We all know that traditionally, flowers are synonymous with Valentine’s Day. Teleflora makes it easy to find the perfect arrangement in your favorite flowers, style, and budget. We received the Teleflora: Wrapped With Passion bouquet from their Valentine’s Day line to check out (pictured above.) A local florist delivered our bouquet with fresh, fragrant flowers that continued to blossom as the days passed. The beautiful colors stand out against the red sculpted vase. A week later and they are still just as fresh, but even more beautiful now that all the flowers have opened.
Along with finding a gorgeous bouquet to impress your love, Teleflora has rolled out their Love Note Concierge hotline (1-844-IT-IS-LOVE.) This free service is a great way to put your thoughts and feelings into romantic words. The hotline is only open until February 12th, so be sure to dial in today. Check our more information below:
Now through February 12th (7 AM – 11 PM EST), anyone who calls into the toll free line will be coached on writing a love note for their Valentine! Additionally, for anyone who calls into the Concierge and requests to purchase a Teleflora Valentine’s Day bouquet, they will also automatically receive a 20% discount!
I would love to hear how your free Love Note session went!
Christopher Sorel says
oh my daughter loves this.
Hollie Jahnke says
I love Teleflora. We use them to send flowers to my Mother-In-Law in Wisconsin.