It seems that every summer we’re all collectively shocked by how warm it’s getting. A heat wave after heat wave, it can really be hard to stay comfortable. No matter if you’re young or old, these heats aren’t treating anyone nicely.
If you can’t spend the entire summer cooling down on the beach, you need to start looking into ways on how to keep your house cool. So, here are some tips!
- Invest in proper insulation
One of the easiest ways to keep your house cooler is to properly insulate it. Many people don’t even know that their insulation is insufficient and could be causing them more harm than comfort. Old insulation may even start developing mildew and mold, so don’t procrastinate on inspecting it.
If your AC can’t seem to cool down your house, it could be due to old insulation. Getting a huge reflective insulation roll can be your ticket to a more comfortable home. This type of insulation is more effective in protecting against heat, so don’t waste your time!
- Close your blinds
Sunlight coming in through the windows will undoubtedly heat the rooms throughout the day. Keeping the window blinds closed throughout the day will even help keep the room cooler at night. Draw the drapes and lower the blinds to block off the sun’s rays. If you want to further limit the hot air impact, you may install blackout curtains and protective coatings on your windows.
- Weather strip your windows
Both weather stripping and insulation have a dual purpose: they assist keep heat in during the winter and prevent cool air from leaving the rooms during the summer. There is no need to spend a lot of money or time installing weather stripping – it can be done in less than half an hour and you can probably do it on your own!
- Turn your stove off
Cooking a hot casserole or roast meat isn’t the best use of your time in the summer. In order to prevent overheating the home, you should eat cold and easy-to-make foods like salads and sandwiches instead. Another idea is to just order in! Have a barbeque outside instead of baking in the oven when you’re in the mood for something smoky.
- Use the large appliances at night
It takes a lot of energy to run a large appliance. Use your washing machine, dishwasher, and dryer in the evening when the temps are lower so that you may reduce the amount of heat in the house. Plus, in some countries energy costs less at night, so you may save some money on the energy bill too!
- White roofs can cool down your house
On a hot day, standard black roof materials may reach temperatures up to 100 degrees hotter than the surrounding air. An all-white roof may help keep your home cool in the summer by reflecting the sun’s energy and preventing it from permeating through the rest of the building.
If you have a flat or metal roof, you have two choices. The first one is to install new panels, preferably white. On the other hand, if you can’t afford to have such a large project on your hands, you may just apply white roof coating.
- Get a dehumidifier
People and pets alike both suffer more in humid heat than they do in dry weather. Cool summer air in your house is can be made more pleasant by dehumidifiers, which remove moisture from the air. Ideally, humidity levels in the home should be kept below 60% for improving air quality. It’s best to get a dehumidifier that shuts off when the humidity falls below a preset threshold to save money on power. There will be some water collected by the appliance. Don’t let it go to waste – it’s perfectly good for watering your plants!