Disclosure: Review Copy provided for Inclusion
My love for all things Nintendo is deep-rooted in all the fun memories I made growing up playing Nintendo. I still get giddy over every new game that’s released that has a nostalgic tie to my childhood, like Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for the Nintendo Switch. You see, when I was younger, my brother and I wanted a Super Nintendo system SO BAD. Our parents couldn’t afford one, and we already had an older Nintendo System (with Gyromite
, yes, it was THAT old.) Years passed and as we were strolling through a store one day, my brother noticed the Super Nintendo system deeply discounted. We figured if we pooled our money together, we could get it and share it. It was a pretty cool memory for me, as I was that annoying little sister, but we had something in common we could finally bond over.
We didn’t have enough money to buy any games, but the system came with Donkey Kong Country and we played it for hours at a time. Since I wasn’t that great at playing video games, I was able to tag along as Diddy Kong as I learned to get better. It was pretty cool for me, as I finally felt that my brother stopped seeing me as a baby and finally saw me as a (somewhat) equal. It was also the first time he displayed patience as I learned a game and didn’t get frustrated that I needed time to learn.
You can imagine my excitement when I found out that Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze came out for the Nintendo Switch. I actually pre-ordered it from Amazon so I wouldn’t forget about it. I texted my brother, hoping he felt a sense of nostalgia as well. As soon as my copy arrived, I sat down to play with my aspiring Nintendo whiz daughter. Once again, there was a learning process with the game, but nothing a seasoned gamer can’t handle. I told my daughter the story of why Donkey Kong Country brought back many happy memories for me as we played, and it gave her a glimpse into my childhood.
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has a variety of game modes, including a simpler version that makes it easy for beginning gamers to grasp their bearings. You can play as 1 or 2 players and have a choice of popular Donkey Kong characters to play as. You can get your copy of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze from Amazon today!