Do you have a child to shop for this year that LOVES sports? Sports Illustrated Kids is the gift for them! Not only is it a great magazine that is full of great athletes and role models for children, but it is also easy to read and full of information such as sports tips, comics, activities, and more. Sports Illustrated Kids even won the highest honors from the Association of Educational Publishers and the Parents’ Choice Award.
You can purchase a subscription of Sports Illustrated Kids for one year for only $19.95. Your recipient will receive a print version and have access to online features. You can subscribe HERE. Sports Illustrated Kids is the perfect stocking stuffer that promotes reading by sharing fun stories from favorite athletes. Best of all, you don’t have to worry about wrapping this gift, and since it shows up monthly, your child will be excited that they are receiving something special in the mail just for them.
My 8 year old nephew is big into sports and is the perfect age to receive his first subscription to Sports Illustrated Kids. I know he will be excited when his first issue shows up, and every month after that as the excitement of new content and a fresh magazine will be waiting in his mailbox just for him. If you have an avid sports player in your home, you can subscribe to SI Kids HERE to take advantage of their great offer! Also, be sure to like SI Kids on Facebook!
Disclosure: Our blog is participating in a blog ambassador program from Sport Illustrated Kids. As a part of this program we have received paid compensation, a year subscription and merchandise for placement of digital advertisements and specific postings related to SI Kids.