We LOVE PlayDoh in my home. This is the one thing that can keep my toddler occupied long enough for me to clean the bathroom or get dinner in the oven. She even has a dedicated table just for all her Play Doh! We love it so much, that on her second birthday, all our guests walked away with a Play Doh duffle bag loaded with Play Doh and enough accessories to keep any child busy for a good amount of time.
When we were asked to review the new PlayDoh Doctor Drill ‘N Fill Set, I thought my toddler would love it, so I quickly agreed. Last weekend, we took a trip to our beach house and the new Play Doh set came with us. Since this was probably our last trip out there of the season, there was a lot for the adults to do, so we needed to keep the little one busy. I set her up on the table with “Bob” as we called him and I showed her how to make teeth and fill them. This was a great teachable moment for me because I was able to show her what dentists do if you don’t take care of your teeth properly. I explained to her that “Bob” ate too much candy and didn’t like to brush his teeth. Since she’s only 2, I don’t think she quite gets the idea of cavities, but every morning and night she goes right into the bathroom to brush her teeth, so the thought has definitely been implanted in her head!
My little girl gave “Bob” a full set of teeth and then went to work on making holes and filling them up. She LOVED the silver Play Doh that was included in the set because it had sparkles in it – something none of her other colors have. After she drilled holes throughout his mouth, she filled them up with the silver fillings. After leaving her to play on her own for a little, I came back and noticed she had even drilled holes in his tongue! This is one dentist I don’t want near me with a drill!