Parents need to take care of all their children’s needs. It also includes their need for self-expression and hobby development. And what is a better creative but productive hobby for a child than writing? Indeed, young children and adults can only benefit from learning how to write well from an early age. Creative writing can help people manage their mental health, help them self-explore, and express their feelings. Not to mention, writing can be a useful and sometimes even profitable hobby or a proper career. So, parents should give it a try and help their kids find a passion for creative writing. These are the steps you may try in doing so. Also, don’t forget to find one of the top phd dissertation writing services to help develop writing creativity of your child faster in more effective way.
Set an example
First of all, parents have the unique power to influence their kids without even trying. Kids view their parents as their biggest role models. Of course, you can use that power to teach children valuable lessons and build productive habits. Certainly, creativity should be among those lessons. So what can you do as a parent to show some love to creative work? Of course, you should start by setting an example. Just encouraging your children to write without ever doing so yourself won’t do the trick. So, set some time during the day to write a few pages. These can be morning pages, your gratitude list, journaling, or anything else you want. Just make sure your children can spot you. Soon enough, the kids will see you happily engaged in the activity and grow curious about what you’re doing and why. Maybe ask them to join you the next time they start asking questions.
Just like that, a simple hobby can become a family activity that bonds parents and children, improving their writing skills and encouraging creative expression.
Buy them fun writing supplies
There is another little trick you can do to direct children’s attention toward writing. Organize them into a perfect writing nook with all kinds of writing supplies and materials. Thus, you can shop for crayons, sparkly markers, stickers, fun-looking pencils, colorful notebooks, and so on. In fact, you can also tell your kids about scrapbooks and other types of creative journaling they can try.
Having all these new, fun, and shiny tools will definitely encourage children to try them out. This way, you earn their attention. The next step is to keep their attention on the writing. So you can encourage them to keep a journal, start a fictional story or develop another writing hobby of their choice. Scheduling an everyday writing session will help create a habit out of it.
Create stories together
Children and natural storytellers. They will tell you about their favorite toys and their lives when no one is looking. They will also be happy to engage in storytelling with you. So, start experimenting and engaging in such creative activities together. You can start with the stories when waiting in lines or driving to school.
For example, each morning drive to school, you pick up a story where you end it together. Before bed, stories can also be created collectively to make them more personal and unpredictable. This way, you show a child how easily they can come up with a story and how interesting it can get.
Find tools online
You are not alone in your desire to teach children how to write. There are plenty of resources online that pursue the same target. You just need to find them. By the way, it is very interesting to read articles written with love. A review of one of these platforms, namely writingpapersucks.com, very nicely emphasizes the advantages of this service. So, search for writing tools for children online and make your pick. Some sites help children with better grammar, while others give them prompts and creative advice. You can introduce several tools to your kids and see which one they find the most useful.
Read to them
There is no writing without reading. It is the truth known to any writer. So, to encourage more writing at home, you should also show some love for reading. Once again, as a parent, you should be a role model to your kids. So, keeping books around the house and reading them once in a while will set the tone right. Besides, some children enjoy reading from a very young age. So, you should supply them with appropriate literature, learning what they like and want to read next.
The more they read, the more appreciation they find for writing. They learn about the power of a good story and want to try creating something themselves.
Final thoughts
Creative work comes naturally to children. They are young, curious, and fearless. Self-expression is the most authentic thing in the world for them. That’s why these are the perfect years to encourage your kids to create and write. Perhaps, with time they will find writing as one of their favorite hobbies.
Eventually, writing will help them express themselves, analyze their thoughts, and succeed in school. They won’t need any online essayfactory to complete their papers. Most importantly, your kids will always have a passion for enjoying. Plus, introducing your kid to creativity and writing is not the hardest job in the world.