There are plenty of pleasant homes out there, but after you’ve visited enough homes of your friends and family, you begin to notice something: they all kind of look the same. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this — it’s a good look, after all — but if you want to feel like your home is your own, and not just like every other house out there, then you’ll want to do things differently. When you arrive home, you’ll know that you’re most definitely in a home that is entirely yours, and nobody else’s. Below, we take a look at a few tried and tested ways for putting together a home that stands out from the crowd.

Unique Curb Appeal
You’ll be focusing most of your attention on the inside of your house, but that won’t be the only area of your property where you’ll want to make changes. The outdoor area is also important! Your home’s curb appeal helps to set the tone for the rest of the house, and, if you get it right, catch the attention of your passersby, for all the right reasons. If you’ve thus far neglected the front of your property, look at doing things such as adding plants, we-designed house numbers, and changing the door to one that’s more aesthetically pleasing. You can also look at repainting your property, which always breathes some new life into homes.
Individual Rooms
Some people only think of their house as one space. Yet, while you’ll want to think thematically when it comes to designing and decorating your home, it’s recommended that you think about each room individually, too. While the house should make sense from one room to the next, there are plenty of opportunities to put a unique spin on each room. The needs of the bathroom are much different from the needs of the bedroom, after all. So think about what would make each room in your house the best that it can be — if every room is on-point, then the overall house will be, too.
Works of Art
You could argue that not enough people make the most of art in the home. They can add so much! They add color, help bring rooms together, and add culture to the house, too. So why not look at adding a few pieces to select rooms? If you’re going to do this, then it’s important to get things right — first, make sure the work of art is unique (you can get pieces from the big brand stores, but you’ll eventually see the same item on someone else’s wall…). It should also be high-quality, and overall make sense in the room in which it’s hung. Art doesn’t just make your property stand out from the crowd — it will make your home a more enjoyable space to be in, too.
Your Personality
It’s all good and well getting inspiration for your home from blogs and so on, but ultimately, those designs aren’t yours, are they? They can provide a useful starting point, but somewhere along the line, you’ll also need to add your personality to your property. A good way to get started with this line of thinking is to think about the things that you like and the things that form part of your personality, and see if there’s a way to incorporate those things into your home. If you love the outdoors, then adding touches of nature would work, for instance. It doesn’t have to be anything dramatic, or take over the entire room — if they’re subtle nods to your personality, then you’ll be on the right track.
The Essentials
There are plenty of practical things that you’ll need to have in your home. But just because you need to have them if your property is going to be modern and convenient, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be infused with features that make them stand out from the crowd. It’s all about figuring out how to make those essentials look as good as possible! For example, let’s think about keeping cool in your property. You could buy a generic fan, or you could buy a craft made fan from It’ll primarily function to keep you cool, but it’ll also be adding an element of style to your house, too.
One of a Kind Furniture
You will, of course, need to have furniture in your home, but before you go scouring the big name stores for good deals, it’s worth thinking about what you would really be buying there. The pieces of furniture might look good, but everyone else will have them! Instead, it’s better to look at adding unique items to your home. This is much easier to do than you think, and can be even more affordable than buying mass-produced goods. For your tables and chairs, for instance, you can look at buying old items and then repainting them with chalk paint. It’ll have cost you next to nothing, and it’ll look amazing.

The Extra Mile
Want to really make your home stand out from the crowd? Then look at adding those special additions that many people dream of adding to their property, yet rarely do. This could involve setting up a cozy reading room, for instance, one that contains nothing but comfortable seating and plenty of books. Or if you’re looking for something more actively fun, how about a games room, with a bar included? It’ll be the envy of everyone who comes to visit you.
In the Outdoors
Your yard area presents a terrific opportunity to do fantastic things with your home. And it’s not even like it has to be all that difficult, at least not to get things started. If you have decking, outdoor furniture, and a BBQ, then you’ll be all set up to spend many fantastic days and evenings with your loved ones. If you want to take things further, then you can look at adding a firepit — which will keep you warm when the temperatures begin to drop slightly — or a jacuzzi. There’s really nothing better than unwinding in a spa pool as you look out at the stars hovering overhead.
Get Inspired
There are always news decor trends and styles rising to prominence. While you might have a high-quality property right now, it’s possible that in a few years things will begin to feel dated or certain aspects at last. To prevent this from happening, make a habit of browsing the best interior design blogs and magazines. You might just find some inspiration that helps to take your home to the next level.
Stay on Top of DIY
As well as doing things that help to push your home in the right direction, you’ll also want to do things that prevent it from sliding into a poor state. This will involve staying on top of your home’s DIY tasks. If your home is going to look its best, then it can’t have minor imperfections at every corner. Learn the basics of DIY — which anyone can learn — and take care of any issues before they become major problems or compromise the quality of your home.
Think Different
Ultimately, if you want to have a house that stands out from the crowd, then you’ll need to think differently. Your house is a canvas, and you’ve got an opportunity to paint it as you wish. Adopt this mindset while you’re designing your home, and you’ll naturally end up with a property that looks different from the others, and entirely your own.