NYC is hot hot hot! Keeping the kids cool AND entertained has been quite a challenge, and despite feeling lazy and wanting to sit in air conditioning all day, my kids need to get out and have some fun. I’ve been managing to keep them entertained AND cool by taking them to the sprinkler park and pool, but I also stress that they have a good amount of fluids in them throughout the day. Both my girls are water drinkers and really don’t take well to juices, but as a child my mother would give us sports drinks with electrolytes to keep us hydrated in the summer. Sometimes water on it’s own just isn’t enough.
The problem with sports drinks is that there is a lot of artificial ingredients in them as well. I don’t give my kids anything with colors or hight fructose corn syrup, and when I found out that coconut water provided electrolytes NATURALLY and contained more potassium than a banana, I knew it would be a great option for us. The only problem with regular coconut water is that it is an acquired taste. I personally love coconut water but my kids didn’t take to it well. I’ve tried making ice pops with it but they aren’t having it!
When introduced their kid’s line, I was interested in trying it out but wasn’t sure if my kids would like it, since they don’t drink fruit juices. When my daughter saw the package, she asked what was in it and I told her juice for monkeys. She thought it was funny and asked to try some, so I had her pick out a flavor on her own. After the first sip she said it tasted good but didn’t want to drink any more after that. I offered the same drink to my 15 month old and she wasn’t having it. Then I realized that they were warm, and after my own experience with coconut water and the need to be chilled, I did just that- I placed a few in the fridge and a few in the freezer. Hours later I offer them the frozen version as a slushy and they both loved it! VitaCoco Kids is a great way to keep them hydrated, naturally, and is best served when cold (or frozen!)
Since coming across Vita Coco for kids, I have replaced our other hydrating drinks with Vita Coco. No artificial colors or high fructose corn syrup is important to me, and I know they are getting the hydration they need. With only 35 calories and 8 grams of sugar per container, I don’t have to worry about my kids getting things they don’t need in a hydration drink. Vita Coco Kids is available at Target and Amazon. With 3 delicious flavors of Apple Island, Paradise Punch, and Very Cherry Beach, there is a favorite flavor for everyone!
You can win a sampler set of VitaCoco Kids! Just fill out the form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
give my son plenty of water throughout the day
They drink lots of water to stay hydrated
They pretty much let me know and they drink so much they can’t be dehydrated, Juices and water!
mostly by drinking water a lot its hot where we live and i have to remind them all the time to drink water. i did get them the really neat clapsable water bottles that they feel really cool caryring around and it does help. in the summer i have to limit their time outside.
They always have their drink cups filled.
I try to give my son lots of water.