Halloween is a little over two weeks away and “Miss. Indecisive” AKA my middle child, has gone from wanting to be a super hero to being a princess, then back to a superhero. She fears that being a superhero makes her look like a boy, but I’ve assured her MANY times that it doesn’t, and that girls can be superheroes too. It took a lot of convincing and I wasn’t quite sure I got my point across because my stubborn little girl wasn’t having it. Then she realized her favorite character Owelette from PJ Masks was a GIRL superhero!
Since we are a PJ Mask family and my preschooler states she “works for PJ Masks” she had the opportunity to try on the new Owelette Halloween costume. Maybe “trying on” is the wrong choice of words, because that would imply she took it off.. she has been wearing her Owelette costume nearly everyday since it arrived. I have to wash it every night so it is clean the next morning in order not to disrupt her superhero duties.
The Owelette costume is perfect for a cool or warm Halloween day. It is a one-piece costume that closes with velcro in the back. The head piece is separate from the costume but included in the package, so if your child doesn’t like masks they don’t need to wear it, but it’s soft in comparison to other masks we’ve tried in the past. You can layer a thermal pj underneath the costume if its cooler out, or wear it as it is if it’s warm.
When you head to the PJ Masks website, you can find a lot of information about having a fun Halloween with your kiddos. There are PJ Masks coloring sheets, printable stationary, Halloween tips and more!