A cheap grand piano for sale might sound like the perfect answer to your pre-owned piano needs, but is it? Buying a new or second-hand piano just because of the price can cost you dearly in the long run. So, how do you ensure that you are getting a good deal on a cheap grand piano?
When buying any piano, from a Steinway to a Yamaha, an upright to a baby grand, you need to remember that there is a big difference between a pianist and a piano specialist. While it is possible to be both, if you haven’t been trained in the maintenance and repair of pianos, then take someone with you to look at the piano who has. This way, any problems, especially those that will cost you money, will be pointed out and where necessary you can avoid very costly mistakes.
Before you go to view the grand piano for sale, it is a good idea to take some key measurements. This will be critical for your cross country moving service. These will include aspects such as the width and height of doorways and the width of your hall. You also need to be very specific about any tight turns and stairs that are involved. Also, measure the space where you will be housing the piano. Once you arrive at the showroom, you can discuss these measurements with the professionals to see whether the piano you want will fit into your home. It could be that instead of grand pianos for sale, you need to look at the baby grands or upright pianos to get it through your front door or up your stairs.
Buy Piano Stool Rather Than Using Any Old Chair
When you have already spent out on your perfect piano, why is it important to also buy a piano stool? Surely any seat that allows you to reach and play is good enough? Read on for just some of the reasons why only a piano stool will do.
There are a number of reasons why piano stools need to be on the shopping list of anyone who is looking for pianos for sale. Firstly, there is the aesthetics. If you have spent time and effort choosing the perfect piano, it seems odd not to buy the perfect stool to go with it. Using any other seat will mean it will not look as good when being played in front of friends or at family gatherings. The second thing you should consider is comfort. Piano stools are designed to fit with the piano. This means that they can be pulled as close as needed to allow you to reach comfortably. Some also have the added benefit of being adjustable, this aids in ensuring the correct posture. Most also have padded seats, which as you can imagine is of great comfort once you have been sat at the piano for a couple of hours. A third reason you may want to consider is very important if you happen to be a piano teacher or have lessons. Purchasing a piano stool allows you to choose from single or double seats. This means that two people can comfortably sit at the piano, making lessons and duets that bit easier.