My little one was nursed, so there were 1am, 3am, 5am feedings throughout the night. I admit: I fell asleep feeding her on MANY occasions; the first of which was in the hospital. I woke up in the hospital to a nurse with a disapproving voice telling me that I cannot sleep with the newborn in my arms. Was she not a mother? Was she not human? Maybe she had no experience with that 3am feeding.
In its newest Savvy Parents webisode entitled “3am Feeding” (, Evenflo takes a humorous look at the challenges associated with late night feeding and the ‘your turn’ routine that often occurs between spouses. In fact, when we asked a panel of moms about who was responsible for feedings throughout the night: a whopping 74% of moms reported the responsibility lay with them, while only 5% reported having a set schedule with their spouse to share the responsibility. I fell into that 5% because I was the only one who woke up to feed the baby – because I was the only one with the breast milk!
Check out this video Evenflo put together: