January is considered the starting point of a new year, and how it goes usually determines how the subsequent months will go too. Changing certain lifestyle behaviors are a part of most people’s new year resolutions. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that living a healthy lifestyle is essential; your health comes before all else. Are you wondering how to make a healthy start to the year? You don’t have to set unique goals to stay healthy; below, you’ll find four new healthy lifestyle habits you can include in your resolutions.
1. Diet
Processed foods are cheaper and last longer, but they pose serious threats to your health. In consuming processed foods, you’re at a higher risk of cancer and obesity, and what’s more, they lack nutritional value. However, it’s nearly impossible to eliminate them from your diet, so what do you do? You can include more natural foods, fruits, and vegetables into your diet; you could start by cooking foods that give you the option of cutting back on calories, like the delicious shrimp alfredo, where you can replace cheese with milk. Start slowly and allow your body to adapt to the new changes gradually. You’re more likely to stick to the recent changes this way. We are, after all, what we eat.
2. Exercise
It’s important to stay active during the day. Balancing the calories you consume with the ones your body burns daily is imperative to avoid obesity. So, if you’re eating more calories and spending more time sitting behind a computer, you’ll find yourself adding more weight than you currently have. Make time to go for walks or jogs, use the staircase instead of the escalators, etc. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults need 75 minutes of vigorous activity and two days of strength training per week. Depending on your age, you can decide to intensify the exercise or make do with the recommended. Exercising sounds like a task sometimes, but you could make it more fun by practicing a sport to ensure consistency. If you’re finding it difficult committing to a routine, you could locate a gym near you. Remember that the more you exercise, the more endorphins you’ll produce.
3. Mental health
Develop a healthy attitude; make an effort to stay optimistic in all situations and challenges you’ll face. Stay motivated and try to avoid stress, learn to decline tasks when you’re overburdened, and delegate if possible. Stress is inevitable, but you can try to control it. Share your worries with others instead of wallowing in them. Practice yoga; it’s good for both your body and mind. Take time off work and go on vacations as well, to help you rest.
4. Sleep
Sleep is fundamental to your overall health; it is involved in the healing and repairing of your blood and heart vessels. It reduces stress, decreases your risk of strokes and heart attacks, and helps you think clearly. Sleep has a lot of influence on your day-to-day activity, so the number of hours you dedicate to rest counts. Ensure to get 7-8 hours of sleep. To sleep better, avoid heavy meals at night, turn off your electronic devices, and try waking up at a specific time every day.