Photo by Rene Asmussen from Pexels
Having a baby is a very exciting process – but it’s something that should be prepared far in advance for – especially when you’re going to be first-time mom who hasn’t experienced it before. If you’re thinking about having a baby, there are certain questions that you should ask yourself before taking the leap:
- Are you ready? Perhaps the most important question you should ask yourself and your partner, you need to make sure that you’re both ready for the journey you’re about to embark on.
- Do you have the finances? Babies are expensive. It’s just a fact. So you need to make sure that you’ve budgeted all of the costs associated with the process before taking the leap.
- Do you know how your lifestyle will change? Not only will you need to make little changes before your baby comes along, but you must also be aware of how you and your partner’s lives will change from the moment you bring your bundle of joy back home.
- Will you have to use IVF, a surrogate, adopt or have a natural birthing process? If you’re unsure, it’s good to check this with your doctor. If you do opt for IVF, for example, you’ll also want to find a clinic with above average IVF success rates.
Anyhow, onto the 5 ways you can prepare your home for a newborn! The steps you take, of course, are up to you. But the following advice could help to ease the process, so that you’re organized ahead of time.
Cook Batches of Food!
When your newborn arrives home, you won’t have the time to cook food from scratch. With your hands full, you can say goodbye to home cooked meals – for a little while at least!
Which is why it’s a good idea to prepare food ahead of their arrival – freezing Tupperware boxes so that they can easily be defrosted and heated up. A life-saver, you’ll reap the benefits of this preparation in the first week or so after you’re home.
Pet-Proof Your Home
If you have a cat or dog, it’s a good idea to pet-proof your home before bringing your baby home. You want your baby and pets to live together happily, so it’s worth organizing the home so that it’s as stress-free as possible before the big day.
It’s safest if they don’t sleep in the same room as your new baby – so a stair gate is a worthy investment that will create a boundary for them. Alternatively, you could invest in a net that will stop your cat from climbing into their crib every night.
Wash Their Bedding and Clothes
A newborn’s skin is extremely delicate. So it’s a good idea to wash their bedding and clothes using non-biological detergent (known for reducing the chance of irritation) before bringing them home. This will ensure that everything is ready for them to wear/sleep in from the moment you arrive back.
Buy All of The Essential Items
As a new mum, you won’t have the time to go out and purchase the essential items your newborn needs. So before you bring them home, consider buying everything ahead of time. From stocking up on diapers to baby grows, wipes, bottles and more, you need to have everything there so that it’s on hand when you need it.
Ask for Advice
As well as doing your own research, it’s a good idea to seek some advice from experienced moms. Whether it’s your own mom, your friends or supportive moms on the online community, they will offer you invaluable advice ahead of your new arrival. Pregnancy and parenting is a learning curve, so don’t worry about asking any ‘silly’ questions!