I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.
When it comes to supplements, I feel that my medical doctors have been very passive about dishing out advice or giving proper guidance on how to take vitamins. I was anemic for 10 years. TEN YEARS! In that time I had 3 babies, had seen a variety of doctors for various reasons, was told I was iron deficient, but not once did anyone question why the iron supplement I was on was not working. It was not until I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis about a year and a half ago that my real journey into supplements began. My endocrinologist said that while my Hashimotos seemed to be manageable at the moment without meds, my iron was so low he wasn’t sure how I was able to get myself to his office. He sent me to a hematologist where I found out that I had a hard time absorbing certain nutrients. For this reason, my supplements had to be superior quality and in specific forms to ensure I was able to get the most out of my nutrients. She pumped me full of IV iron for a few months and has helped my blood work be within ideal ranges.
My issue with supplements was really the lack of guidance. When I would ask if one supplement was better than another, my medical doctors said “any over the counter supplement will do.” This wasn’t the case. My hematologist told me which vitamins I needed and specifically which forms were best. In the meantime, I had the opportunity to test out Persona VitaminPacks. I feel that a simple questionnaire asked me more questions about my health than many of my own doctors did. Based on these questions, Persona was able to come up with a pill pack catered just to my personal needs. I’m on adrenal support for my thyroid disorder, iron to keep my anemia in check, Vitamin D because the majority of the people in the north east (including myself) are deficient this time of year, along with other recommended supplements that Persona felt were right for me. I was able to add or take out supplements I either already have at home or felt I needed more of with my subscription.
Before I started taking Persona, I sent a message to my hematologist with the type or vitamins and dosage I would be taking. She felt like Persona did a good job gauging what I would need and agreed that it was okay to start this new supplement regimen. Please, don’t take my advice – I’m not a doctor. Before starting a new regimen, be sure to ask your doctor if supplements are right for you.
You can find out more about , as well as receive 30% off for 2 months of supplements by visiting . Learn more about persona nutrition on their social media pages: