This year’s Back to School season is a very special one for my family. although my little one attended a preschool last year for a couple days a week, this year it feels more “real.” She is off to school for longer hours, more days, and we’ve already started prepping for a change in our routine. I’m a little apprehensive, but at the same time I know she will love it and has been begging to go back to school since her last class in June. It’s a bittersweet moment, indeed, but one that I am trying to make memorable for her.
The stress from all the change going on in our lives right now, which includes demolishing our seemingly “new” home, sending my daughter to full time pre-k, packing, moving, and raising a family has taken a toll on me. My migraines which were at one time a once-in-a-while thing has turned into a constant battle between my mind and my head. I know when my migraines are starting to creep up on me and it’s never a “BAM here I am” migraine. It’s more like a “I’m coming… I’m coming…. I’m HERE.” This is a blessing in disguise because I am able to better manage my migraines, but the frequency is starting to get to me.
Excedrin has tips on how to keep migraines at bay, and one of them are staying organized and hydrated. Those are two things that I have not been very good at these past two months, but when I start to feel a migraine coming on, I know what I have to do to keep it from becoming a full on debilitating migraine. Keeping my fluid intake up and taking a step back from the stress, and deep breathing exercises, usually help, and when they don’t I have my Excedrin Migraine ready to take charge.
Excedrin knows that part of the stress of Back to School season comes from knowing that classrooms may not always be well stocked and prepared, and usually reach out to the parents to help out. With budget cuts affecting the schools, every little bit helps and Excedrin is giving back. When you purchase Excedrin, parents can enter for a chance to win $10,000 for their child’s school. To enter the “Help Your School Excel with Excedrin” sweepstakes, visit the Excedrin Facebook page. 5 schools will win! Check out the rules on their fan page.
To help get you started on the right foot this Back to School Season, Excedrin is offering a prize pack to two of my lucky readers! The prize pack will include a 2013-2014 Academic Planner and pen, a magnetic memo board and an aluminum tumbler.