I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my
honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links
From the time my first baby started milk products, I’ve been conscious about the quality of the milk I purchased. Now, about 13 years later, I am pretty much set in the brands I continually purchase because I’ve learned which companies are transparent about their products and which I trust around my family. I base my options on a variety of factors. Specifically for milk products, I like to know that the animals are treated well, have plenty of access to outdoors and sunshine, are not treated with unnecessary medications, and preferably fed a diet rich in grass and greens they would typically eat if they were out in the wild.

Organic Valley has been a brand I trust for my family for over a decade. It was the first milk for all three of my babies and is still our milk of choice. A few years after we started using Organic Valley milk, the company introduced “Grass Milk” which promises their cows are grass-fed. Sure, they are slightly pricier per gallon of milk than non-organic, non-grass-fed milk at $6.29 per gallon, but I’m willing to pay that premium knowing my family is getting a nutrient-packed product.
A few facts about Organic Valley Milk-
- Rich, creamy taste
- 13 essential nutrients
- Certified organic
- Farmer-owned cooperative
- No toxic pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or GMOs
- From cows who are well cared for and get to exhibit their natural behaviors

To make the perfect hot cocoa with Organic Valley Milk, I mix 2 tsp organic cocoa powder, 2 tsp cane sugar, and 6oz of milk in a saucepan. Stir on medium heat until the mixture is warm to hot and all the ingredients have dissolved. You can add a sprinkle of cinnamon and your favorite whipped cream- I like to whip up my own topping with some whipped heavy cream and a touch of sugar and vanilla extract!
You can learn more about Organic Valley and their values by visiting them on the web at https://www.organicvalley.coop/.