Getting the marriage terminated is one of the most painful yet life-changing decisions one can make. It will affect everything you’re used to: the way you spend your time at home, the way you make and spend money, the frequency of seeing your kids if you have them, etc. Therefore, it’s crucial to ask yourself a few questions before you launch the process of your marriage dissolution. In this post, you’ll see 10 things to consider when deciding to divorce and get a clue about how they apply to your situation.
Do I want a divorce or just revenge?
When you’re thinking about when to walk away after infidelity, ask yourself: “Do I want to break up with my partner right now and forget them or take revenge by getting a loud divorce?”. That would be the answer to your true feelings that will give you a clue on how to act further. Oftentimes, the desire to terminate the marriage is nothing but a way to hurt another person who neglected you before.
Is there any way to restore my marriage?
This is not the first thing that you’d ask yourself about in case of your partner’s infidelity. Driven by emotions, you’re not likely to start inventing any ways of saving the relationship with your partner right away. However, it’s the thing you need to do: besides the potential restoration of your marriage, it may reveal the reasons behind your partner’s betrayal. After working them out, you can improve your relationship and strengthen your bond.
Do I need therapy to cope with the insult first?
In case you see that there’s no way to bring back your relationships to the state they were before, consider attending a therapist. They can help you get rid of the pain you’re going through after the adultery of your partner and find out how long does a marriage last after infidelity. Don’t wait until depression takes over you: it may cause a lot of damage to your mental health, the safety of your kids, and your overall wellness in the long run.
Have I thought it all out well?
Among questions to ask yourself before divorce, the issue of considering all the factors impacting your life after splitting up with your partner is one of the most important ones. The marriage dissolution doesn’t happen overnight and it does have a lot of outcomes to comply with. Therefore, you have to think about them several times and estimate all the risks of starting the process or refraining from it.
Should I get a lawyer?
Another question that you shouldn’t omit when thinking about getting divorced is the necessity of an attorney. In case you’re choosing to go through a WA state divorce online, you won’t need their service. This process is quite easy to perform on your own without spending a fortune on a lawyer: just fill out your papers online and submit them to the local clerk’s office to start the procedure.
Can we agree on the terms of our divorce?
This question should also appear on your divorce agenda since it’s a prerequisite of a fast and simple divorce. If you’re not looking for ways to destroy your partner in court and take away all their property, it’s better to find an agreement before you start a marriage dissolution process.
If you see that you can find a common language on how you will split your house, cars, money, etc., create a settlement agreement where all those details will be outlined. It will help you finalize your divorce in weeks instead of years.
Do I want to go through a loud trial?
This wouldn’t be a question in case the agreement between you and your husband is reached. But if it’s not, you may want to start tiresome litigation with conspicuous accusations similar to those of Amber Heard towards Johnny Depp. At the same time, you have to keep in mind that such a trial won’t make your life any easier: it will be long, and expensive, and its results may not be what you’re expecting.
How am I going to support myself during and after a divorce?
Since finances are the popular reason for many women’s poverty after a divorce, it’s important to ask yourself about your money matters beforehand. How much do you have in savings? What can be sold to get money to pay for your children’s education? What are your income and expenditures now and what will they be once you’re without your husband? These questions may not be the most pleasant ones to answer yet you need to do that to secure your future.
How will our kids perceive the divorce?
If you have children with the partner you’re about to divorce, think about how your split-up can affect them. Consider turning to a family psychologist for help if your kids are emotional teens or little toddlers who love another parent a lot. It’s important to save their psychological health during the family break-up.
Will divorce make me happy?
Finally, the last thing you need to ask yourself is whether a divorce can contribute to your overall happiness. Has your marriage really failed? Will it bring the relief you’re looking for after you’ve found out that you’ve been cheated on? Honest answers to these questions will help you realize the role of potential divorce in your life.