Life can be difficult, and as such, it’s not realistic to think that you’ll be on top of the world all the time. There will be times when you just have to accept that things will be challenging.
However, those moments should be the exception, not the rule. While modern life can be stressful, it also provides us with a host of tools that allow us to be at our mental, physical, and spiritual best. Making them part of your everyday routine won’t just allow you to hit new heights, either — it’ll also ensure that you find it easier to manage life’s more challenging components.
We’ve put together a whole bunch of tips below that, when put all together, will lead to all-around goodness; your body will be fit, your brain will be sharp, and your spirit will be soaring.
Make a Commitment
First thing first: if you want to be at your best, then you’ll need to make a commitment to doing the things that will result in you being your best. There are no magic solutions in this world; all of the actions we’ve included on this list will make you a better person, but they won’t do so overnight. In many cases, you’ll have to give up some aspects of your life to move forward, and that will require discipline and motivation.
It’s best to begin your journey when you have the time and space to do so — that’s why so many people start afresh on New Year’s Day, once all of the responsibilities of the holidays are over.
The only additional thing we’ll say is that we encourage you to stick with the habits even if you don’t notice any improvement in the first couple of weeks. Within a month or so, you should begin seeing the benefits.
Improve Your Sleep
You can’t be at your best when you haven’t got enough sleep under your belt. That’s the case if you sleep poorly just a single night, but if it’s an ongoing thing, then you’ll always feel a little behind where you should be.
Some people confidently believe that they’re simply poor sleepers, but the truth is that anyone can improve the quality of their sleep by making a few changes. For instance, if you cut out caffeine, limit your screen time, and put together a sleep-friendly bedroom, then you’ll find it much easier to sleep through the night.
Healthy Eating
Many of us eat with our tongue in mind — we’re attracted to foods that are outright delicious. Alas, that can often result in us eating meals that are less than good for us. And while there’s little wrong in eating those meals on occasion, if they form a large part of your diet, then you’ll eventually feel it in your body. Plus, there’s some evidence to suggest that eating poorly can lead to poorer mental health.
It takes a little bit of time and effort to eat healthily, but not much. It’s one of those things that is much easier to do than many people realize. Not convinced? Check out this list of delicious, healthy dinners you can make in 30 minutes.
Exercise Regularly
Getting off the couch and heading to the gym for a workout is not everyone’s idea of a great time. But you’ll be handsomely rewarded if you do. Working up a sweat offers a wide range of benefits, including the most obvious advantage: improving your physical conditioning. Exercise has also been shown to do wonders for mental health conditions, helping to keep depression and anxiety at bay.
It can take a little bit of time to get into the habit of exercising regularly, but once you have, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. If you’re a complete beginner, then consider working with a personal trainer; they’ll show you exactly what you need to do in order to meet your fitness objectives.
Give Your Brain a Workout
Your brain is like your bicep; if you want it to be strong, then you’ll need to give it a workout. Everyone uses their brain when they’re going through the education system, but once people leave formal education, the amount of time they spend doing things that challenge their brain tends to slip unless they have an intellectual job.
Not sure how to give your brain a workout? It’s much easier than you might think — you just need to do activities that force you to use your brain. Completing a daily sudoku or crossword puzzle is the easiest way. Studies have shown that crosswords are particularly beneficial, helping to boost memory and thinking skills. Plus, it’s a game that’s freely available online, ensuring you can play wherever you are, making it ideal for when you’re on public transport or when you’re having your morning coffee.
Try Meditation or Breathwork
Life can be stressful, and if we don’t have a buffer that protects us against the difficulties of life then it’ll be inevitable that eventually, our spirits take a hit. Meditation and breathwork are two effective ways to help keep you balanced and provide some perspective when the going gets tough.
The great thing about these two activities is that they’re simple (no equipment required), take only 15 minutes (though you can do longer if you like), and they’re easy to learn. There are hundreds of YouTube tutorials that can guide you through the process.
While meditation and breathwork are similar, they tend to have different outcomes. We’d recommend trying both and seeing which one suits your needs best, though if you have enough time in the day (30 minutes), then try doing both.
Spend Time In Nature
Most of us live in urban areas these days, and while that can be fun and convenient, it does mean that we’re a little more cut off from the natural world than we should be. Studies have repeatedly shown that spending time in the great outdoors can do wonders for mental health, helping to ease symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Plus, nature tends to be good for our physical health, especially if you go for a long and strenuous hike! If you can, just make spending time in nature a regular part of your routine. There’s nothing better than spending a Saturday exploring the beautiful areas close to your home.
Volunteer Your Time
We tend to become a little too obsessed with our well-being. While it’s good to strive to be at your physical and mental best, it’s important to remember that they’re not the only important things in the world.
There are a lot of people out there who probably need more help than you do, so why not consider volunteering your time and giving them some support? And actually, in doing so, you’ll be helping yourself, too — volunteering can have a hugely positive impact on your overall well-being. But even if it doesn’t, you’ll be helping to make the world a better place, and that goodness that you’ve thrown out into the world will likely come back to you in some form or another.
Put Boundaries In Place
You might be generally within yourself, but if you’re an active part of society, then there will probably be some elements of your life that you don’t enjoy. For example, if you don’t like your job, then it’s likely that it has something of a negative impact on your overall life. Since it’s unlikely that you can simply quit your job, it’ll be important to put boundaries in place. When you’re not in work, you’re not in work — you might hate your job, but it doesn’t have to impact your enjoyment of other areas of your life.
Dance It Out
Feeling in a slump? Throw on your favorite song and dance around the room. No one’s watching, so why not? The boost of joy it gives you will carry you through the day.
Make Happy Plans
Life can feel a little flat from time to time, especially during the winter months, when we tend to do fewer things. One way to keep your spirits up is to make happy plans that you can look forward to. Even knowing that you have a concert or night in a hotel on the horizon can boost your mental well-being.
Consider Therapy
In this article, we’ve put together a long list of things that have generally been shown to help improve a person’s overall well-being. But remember that there are some things that you can’t face on your own. The world is a challenging place, and sometimes you might need some professional assistance in order to truly heal. Finding a therapist that you trust and enjoy speaking to can do wonders for helping you to become the best version of yourself.
And there we have it! Take all of those tips on board, and we’re reasonably confident that you’ll feel great within a month or so. After all, you’ll have given your mind, body, and soul all that they need to be at their best.
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