Your ears and your hearing are very valuable assets. It’s how we communicate, listen to music, enjoy conversations with friends, watch films, and it’s important that we protect it from an early age to avoid losing your hearing or needing any type of hearing assistance at a younger age. Naturally our ears begin to fail as we get older, it is not sure exactly why this happens, however it could be to do with damage to the hair inside the ears and how the sound is absorbed. The older we get, the more damage we have incurred. Here is how you can take better care of your hearing and your ears to ensure that you have healthy happy hearing for a lifetime.
Photo: Pixabay
Simple Steps
Here are some quick simple ways to start implementing into your life and to your children’s life from a young age. Instil it into them whilst they are young that it’s important to not damage your ears.
- Don’t put things into your ears – we often make the mistake of putting cotton buds into our ears to clean them out and get the wax out. However buds are not ideal at all and usually push the wax further in the ear. Wax naturally migrates from the ears without having to do anything but if your ear doesn’t get rid of the wax, then you should look at a solution or some type of drops to help the wax soften and release naturally.
- Don’t have loud music on – it’s easy to turn the sound up on our headphones but it is incredibly damaging and can lead to tinnitus or hearing problems. Have them at a lower level and not deafeningly loud.
- Wear earplugs – if you are in a situation where there are loud noises or louder than usual, wear earplugs to help cushion the sound. This way, you will help your ears and protect them, such as at concerts, in clubs or aeroplanes.
- Have a hearing test – if you are concerned about your hearing then it is important to get your hearing tested. It is free for people over a certain age but you can go at any age if you feel there is an issue. It is painless and can determine if you need any assistance.
You don’t have to settle with ear problems, if you have tinnitus there can be ways to help improve it as time goes on and there can be the miracle for your ears; types of hearing aids can help with the symptoms. So be sure to tell your children the importance of taking care of their ears and make sure you are also following some of the most important steps to have healthier hearing. We tend not to worry too much about our hearing but keeping your ears healthy relates to keeping our bodies healthy – exercise and movement is great for relieving symptoms of tinnitus and any inner ear issues. Try some relaxation tips if you struggle with balance or anxiety issues relating to the ears.