I’m not sure if it’s maturity kicking in or life experiences molding me, but I notice a change in how I handle situations. I use to rely very heavily on being in the moment and reacting to everything, but experience has taught me that a quick response is not always necessary. I’ve always prided myself on being me, and being true to myself, which is always a good thing, unless the true “you” is easily taken advantage of and can’t say NO even if the situation isn’t ideal.
I’ve been able to take a step back and ask myself why these changes happened. Everyone have their epiphany moment and mine was after my third child was born. That’s when I realized that I really needed to slow down and enjoy life. With my first two I was going through motions. Have baby, feed baby, put baby to sleep and repeat. It was the same routine every day, and I felt GUILTY not enjoying every moment. All I ever wanted to do was become a mother, but what about everything else? I wanted to create positive experiences for my kids and truly enjoy growing up with them. I needed to take a step back, assess, and make a few changes. What were my goals? Where did I see myself in 5, 10, 15 years? I needed to be more self aware and step out of my comfort zone.
AARP has teamed up with Dr. Phil to bring you . It is designed to help individuals assess themselves to find out what truly matters in their personal lives and to live it! The digital subscription course is a personal guided online course that determines what is important to you by taking a few quizzes and has you delve deep to rediscover the real you. Dr. Phil is there to help, giving advice with videos based on the choices you pick in the assessments.
While many people feel they need or want to make changes, following through is the only way to reach those goals. I knew I had to make a change, but I also needed a plan. I needed to identify the route of my unhappiness, which at the time was routine. I went from having a full time job and socializing everyday to feeling trapped in the house with kids. I was afraid to get out and I needed to combat that fear. Once my routine changed and I figured out what I needed to feel fulfilled, I was able to change my mindset and make it happen. Sure, not everyday is full of sunshine, but I feel that I’m better equipped to handle the bad days because I’m confident better days are ahead. You know the saying, when mom is happy, the home is happy! Are you looking to find out where your life needs improvement? Or perhaps you want to just be the best version of yourself. You can try the 14 day FREE trial of the Life Reimagined program here. Good Luck on your journey to a better you!