The majority of us have pretty hectic schedules. No matter what your lifestyle entails and what responsibilities and commitments you have, chances are you will find yourself struggling to fit in everything you need to do throughout each day. You might have the school run. You might have to commute. You might work. You might have chores at home. You might have social commitments or familial commitments to keep up with. This, of course, can all become pretty overwhelming over time. So, to help you along the way, here are a few tips and tricks that could help you out!
Organise Your Time
First things first, you need to take a look at the time you have on your hands, what you need to do with each day and how you can fit everything in. This is where organisation comes into play. You need to make sure that organisation is central to everything you do. This will help you to tick everything off your checklist without panic or mayhem ensuing. It’s generally a good idea to use as many organisational aids as you need to achieve this. A handheld calendar, planner or diary could help. You can write in when you need to be where, or when you need to be doing what, and consult it throughout the day, ticking things off as you go along. Alarms can help to manage your time too. Having an alarm go off when you need to take a tablet, leave to get somewhere, start a chore or contact someone can ensure you do everything on time.
Hire a Nanny
Raising children is difficult and takes up a lot of time. If you’re working or have other things that you need to do, you could find that you’re unable to look after your little ones and get what you need to be done completed at the same time. One person can only do so much! So, if you have tasks that require your full concentration, you may want to consider hiring a nanny. This, of course, isn’t free. You’ll have to look into nanny costs and figure out whether this is a childcare option that your budget can stretch to accommodate. But if you can afford a nanny, this is a great option. Your kids will be safe and kept occupied in your home environment, which is familiar to them. Just make sure to do thorough checks on any nanny you hire. You want to make sure they don’t have a record, that they have experience working with children and that they are recommended by their previous clients!
Hire a Cleaner
Day to day chores and household tasks can be extremely time consuming. You may really benefit from hiring a cleaner to take a load off your shoulders! These professionals cna come into your home and leave it sparkling. You needn’t worry about dedicating hours of your day to getting everything done yourself. They can polish, vacuum, mop floors, clean interior windows – whatever your home needs to look good!
Don’t Try to Fit Too Much In
Many of us make the mistake of scheduling too much into our calendars. At the end of the day, we all only have the same number of hours in the day and you need to be realistic and reasonable with what you can achieve. Pushing yourself too far on a daily basis will only lead to burn out, which leaves you less productive in the long run. Not to mention the impact it can have on your physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. So, be sensible when it comes to planning your days. Only agree to do things that you can do conveniently and don’t push yourself too far!
These are just a few suggestions that should get you started on the right path towards managing a hectic schedule when you have little ones. Make sure that you’re not too hard on yourself. We all struggle to get everything we plan to get done, but it doesn’t mean you can’t try to make things a little more streamlined and manageable. The above steps are all worth a little consideration and could make all the difference to your day to day routine. Give them a go and see whether they work for you. There’s nothing to lose!