About 5 years ago I was introduced to Zarbee’s cough medicine. I picked up a bottle of Zarbee’s because it was free after rebate at my local Rite Aid, so I figured, why not? If I didn’t like it I wouldn’t lose anything. Each cold season I end up with a wretched cough that lasts for weeks. It’s horrible and terribly uncomfortable. At the time I found Zarbee’s I was still nursing my first baby, so I felt more comfortable taking an all natural cough supplement rather than something that would leach into my milk supply and possibly harm my baby. Ironically, the Zarbee-s I had was for children, but it still did the job and helped soothe my cough.
Fast forward 5 years later and Zarbee’s is still my preferred cough medicine. I use the term medicine loosely when it comes to Zarbee’s because I know it doesn’t contain any chemicals that might make a child hyperactive, sleepy, or cause other unpleasant side effects. I know I’m not the only one that feels unnecessary chemicals should be left out and homeopathic medicines should be used whenever possible. Dr. Zak Zarbock felt the same way when he came up with the idea for Zarbee’s. You see, as a pediatrician he knew that he didn’t want to give his four sons medicines that are chock full of artificial colors, flavors and chemicals, so he looked into ingredients that would naturally alleviate their symptoms. This is where Zarbee’s was born!
Since I was introduced to Zarbee’s five years ago, I see they have come a long way. Along with their well known cough medicine, they have also added other products to their line, including all natural sleep aids and cough medicines for babies as young as 2 months (this one doesn’t contain honey, but all natural agave instead.) For sleep, melatonin has been making headlines as an all natural, non-habit forming supplement that can be taken by children and adults. Dr Zak has created a grape flavor chewable melatonin supplement that can help kids gently ease into sleep when they are having a hard time. My kids typically have a hard time sleeping when they are sick, so it’s good to know there is something out there that might help.
If you follow me on social media, then you might know that my youngest daughter has been very sick this week. With temperatures reaching 104, we tried to keep her comfortable as the virus ran its course. Warm baths helped keep her cool, a saline nebulizer treatment helped keep her airways moist, and Zarbee’s cough medicine helped ease her cough. We did have to give her fever reducers to control her temperature, but it was great to know there were homeopathic remedies to keep her other symptoms at bay.
You can find out more about Dr. Zak and all the Zarbee’s products by visiting Zarbee’s. You can also take advantage of an exclusive offer for $1.50 off and free shipping on the Zarbee’s site. Check out the coupon below: