None of us stay young forever. Eventually, time catches up with us all. And when it does, it can lead to all sorts of reversals in relationships, including the one between parent and child.
If you’re a mom with an aging parent, you may have noticed something stranging happening over the last few years. Whereas once you looked to your parents for resources and advice, it now goes the other way. They come to YOU for help.
Parenting your parents is, in many ways, more difficult than parenting a child. You have enormous histories with them and, often, their needs are much higher.
Many people become parents to their parents for the first time when they hit their thirties and forties. At this stage of life, parents are beginning to show their age, not just in their appearance, but in their behavior and health too. These changes can then go on to have a massive impact on your life and finances.
Recognizing The Signs Of Aging
One of the issues that parents have is accepting that they are getting old. Many people claim to feel the same on the inside as they did when they were young and don’t want to admit that their bodies might be changing.

It takes a brave person to accept that they are getting older and aren’t as strong as they used to be. The problem for moms is that this type of parent is surprisingly rare. Even something as getting an aging parent to wear a hearing aid can be a challenge. Having them go to the doctors for a full check-up or take their medications is even more difficult.
Nursing Homes
Then there are the issues with nursing homes, something that Rosenfeld nursing home neglect specialist lawyers deal with all the time. The problem here isn’t just one of cost – it is also one of welfare. While some homes are good, others struggle to provide a basic level of care. As a mom, the job of sorting them out, including taking legal action, falls to you. Without the right support, it can be highly stressful.

There’s also the fact that your parents don’t want to give up their independence either. Many would prefer to remain in their homes until the bitter end instead of going somewhere unfamiliar. Negotiating with them on this point can be a challenge.
Talking About Lifestyle Changes
Another difficulty is talking about lifestyle changes. We know that the choices that people make with diet, exercise, and smoking can all have a profound impact on their health. But, unfortunately, many parents are unwilling to make the changes that they need to make to secure their health for the long-term. It is similar to the petulant child who doesn’t want to eat their greens or play outside. Your parents have lived their entire lives doing what they want, and now you’re telling them that they need to change. You inevitably encounter resistance.
Looking after an aging parent, therefore, is a massive challenge. Is it one that you’re facing?