As I’m gearing up to breastfeed another baby in a few weeks, I feel confident that I know the process my body will go through as it adjusts to making milk. I’ve had a decent supply with both my girls, and even purchase an additional freezer after my first baby to keep up with my work-supply of milk. The one thing that I’ve had to be mindful of each time was my explosive let down when my children would nurse. I wasn’t coordinated with my first and was still getting use to everything that comes along with breastfeeding, but with my second I would try to be prepared with an extra bottle to catch the milk that would flow from the side my baby wasn’t nursing on. A few times I had accumulated enough milk in a bottle for a whole other feeding without doing more than just holding a bottle over me. The task was hard on my back and neck because I would support my baby with one arm and hunch over with my other arm to catch the milk. Most of the time I would just let a nursing pad soak up the excess milk.