A lot of things changed when I had kids, including the foods I ate and my definition of snacks. In play groups with my first child, I was always the parent that brought fresh fruit and veggies along with us while other parents opted for dry and/or processed snacks. I wanted to give my daughter the best start possible, and instilling proper habits was what I wanted to accomplish.
Fast forward 5 years and another child later, packing snacks hasn’t changed for us. After watching a show on optimal nutrition, I learned that blueberries were one of the best fruits you can eat. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, these sweet little berries pack a punch! While we already enjoyed blueberries in our smoothies and as a snack on their own, after watching the segment on nutrition I made it a point to consume them more frequently. My girls love the sweetness and I love that we can get them all year round! My youngest prefers them as a snack on their own, while my oldest prefers blueberries in a smoothie with a banana, a scoop of peanut butter, and some almond milk. Either way, I know my girls are starting healthy habits early by snacking right and eating healthy. We even make tasty blueberry muffins, that we call “Elsa Muffins.” Check them out:

This resolution season, make your goal to eat healthier. It is too common that weight loss goals are made but often fail because the goal was too extreme. By making smaller changes, like healthy snacking, you can take baby steps towards your goals while doing something great for your body. Think about all the ways you can incorporate healthy blueberries into your lifestyle! You can find out more by visiting the US Highbush Blueberry Council. There is even a fun sweepstakes going on. From now through February 16, 2015, the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council is hosting a sweepstakes where you can enter to win a trip for two to LA for the Little Changes Kitchen Challenge alongside actress, author and TV host Alison Sweeney. Runners up may win one of four $500 Whole Foods or Lululemon gift cards for a refreshed pantry or workout wardrobe! Choose little, win BIG. Hurry! To find out more, visit for more information.