When I became pregnant with my first child, I knew there were a lot of baby items I would need, and others I could do without. Since we live in an apartment, I didn’t want to clutter it with baby gear items that we would only use for a short time. Take for example the bassinet, bouncer, and swing. All these items have a very limited lifespan for a rapidly growing infant. I ended up with all three items, but in retrospect, the amount of time they were used was minimal in comparison to other items, such as a carseat, crib, and stroller. Now, don’t get me wrong- you need a place to put baby down when they are not sleeping, so a swing and a bouncer are great items to have- I just wish they weren’t outgrown so quickly!
Then we come to the smaller items- the baby tub, diaper bag, diaper pail, and all things alike. They might seem like minor accessories, but you definitely put in a lot of thought when it comes to these items. I tried a few baby tubs and was only pleased with the way two of them worked. The reason I liked those two was because of features I needed for my mushy newborn, and the ability to use it as she grew into a toddler. As far as a diaper bag- well, my husband will tell you I have too many, but that’s because I need a different one for different uses- I’m not going to take my huge diaper bag loaded with EVERYTHING in it to the park. I also won’t go on a day trip without my enormous bag. So depending on what I need to take with me, I choose my bag accordingly.
On to the diaper pail- I never had one of these. I should rephrase- I didn’t have one at the very beginning. I used a small can in the nursery that held her itty bitty newborn diapers just well for a few days until I had to change the bag. My breastfed-infant’s poop didn’t stink up the whole house, as a matter of fact, we had no odor issues- until she started solids. We would walk in the house and search for the spoiled food, took out the garbage, cleaned the bin- ANYTHING to get rid of the smell. We soon realized it was coming from her room. This called for a change in plans- we needed a diaper pail… FAST!
We looked into all the diaper pails on the market and the best ones required special bags that were made specifically for that pail. As you can imagine, these start to add up and soon you are spending a lot to diaper your baby. The other problem with everything available at the time was that I was switching between cloth diapers and disposables all the time. I needed a diaper pail that was suitable for both lifestyles, didn’t cost a fortune, used regular bags, and most of all- didn’t smell.
Someone out there heard my wishes and came up with the Ubbi Diaper Pail. Of course, I found out about it after my little girl was potty trained, but ironically, I was already pregnant with #2! The Ubbi is completely different from any other diaper pail out there in a number of ways:
The Ubbi is smart– it is made out of steel, not plastic. Odors can seep through plastic, defeating the purpose of a diaper pail to begin with. The closures of the Ubbi are reinforced with rubber so that all openings are sealed completely shut.