On any particular day, you might find yourself in a situation where it might be necessary to know how to stand up for yourself, as well as stand up for your family. There could be people that cut you up when driving, people who push in front of you in line, to someone at work taking your idea and claiming it as their own. These are all examples of when you might need to stand up for yourself, but it can be easy to let these moments go past. Of course, it is always alright to brush off some small slights that happen, and then move on from it. But from time to time it might be necessary for you to be a little more assertive if not speaking up makes you unhappy and leaves you sad when you can’t speak your mind.
The hard part with learning how to stick up for yourself, or for your family, can be something that is really tricky. It can feel uncomfortable from time to time, and it can knock your confidence from time to time. There is some good news, though, if you want to make a change and change how you do things. Here are some ways to help you to be more assertive, if and when you need to.
Be deliberate with what you say
Speaking up and using your voice is one of the best ways for others to not only understand you but it will help people know how to respond to you. This could look like saying exactly the things that you want, rather than skirting around an issue. Other people can’t read your mind, so you need to be clear and deliberate with that you say.
Be a bit selfish
If you fill your days with schedules, dreams, plans, and hopes of others, then it might seem like something nice, and it could satisfy you for a little while. But this kind of habit can leave you feeling more than worn out and even a little resentful as you find it hard to meet your own needs. Which is why being a little bit selfish can actually be a good thing. It means that you are learning to prioritize yourself when necessary; your needs are important. You might want to take time to be clear about what you want, so that you can be clear on where you stand with things. You might want to stand up for a friend or family member and seek to look for wrongful death attorneys who never back down to help you make a claim if you have experience of this kind of thing. Your needs, and your family’s needs should come first. Make yourself a priority and it can make a real difference.
Be aware of your body language
If you have some trouble standing up for yourself, then one thing to consider is your body language. It can not only boost your confidence, but it can also ensure that you’re sending a clear message to other people. It could be something simple like standing a little taller, sitting straight, and having more open body language with hands by your sides, rather than being closed off with arms crossed.