Plenty of countries around the world have adopted ways for children to enjoy their time during their school holidays. Some countries opt for summer camps as a way to be able to keep kids entertained and busy while parents continue with their daily grind at work and to bring money into the household. Summer camps are specially created communities for children where they can be around new people and new groups and learn new things in an environment that they are not really exposed to. It helps them to become more independent, to build their skills with map reading and building camps and it also gives them a chance to be without their parents, which gives them a moment to be more themselves.
Summer camp provides experiences that parents often can’t because they are constrained by work. They can build a child’s character and create memories that really do last. They’ll build friendships with people from all ages, and they’ll develop central life skills. Summer camps may not have been something that you’ve planned for your children, but as you know, the world’s cost of living crisis is getting worse. You may not have the luxury of being able to take off long summer weeks or even months to be able to look after the kids full time if you have to work.
A summer camp for kids could make all the difference not only to their schedule but to yours. You need to know and feel happy that your children are looked after and entertained, which is why summer camps have been created in the first place. Are you still on the fence about sending yours in 2025? Let’s take a look at the benefits of summer camps for kids so you can feel reassured about your decision.
- Summer camps are designed for fun.The last thing that you want is for your child to be stuck on their screen the entire summer. Summers can last for three months during school breaks, which means that you need to think of a way to keep the kids entertained all that time. A little boredom is not a problem because kids do need to be bored in order to find their own entertainment and fun. They need to learn to entertain themselves without a constant.24/7 activities to schedule. However, a three month summer is a very long time, so putting your kids in a camp for a few weeks of that summer not only gives you some respite to be able to get your home in order and to continue working, but it gives them a chance to have fun.
- The lack of technology. The one thing you can pretty much guarantee in the summer camps is that screen time is not a thing. Camps often have rules that state children are not allowed to use their phones or iPads, which means it’s a good way to encourage sedentary children into a more active lifestyle. If you can arrange for your children to enjoy a summer camp, not necessarily for the entire summer, but for a decent chunk of time, you’ll be able to let them let go of the technology for a few weeks and get stuck into nature.
- They may discover new passions. Being exposed to different activities and different people in summer camps can often give kids a boost to find new passions and hobbies. Workshops in gardening, pottery, cookery, and arts are often things that you find in a summer camp that you won’t find in a regular school day. These can then become areas of interest for your kids, which gives them something new to enjoy.
- The chance for independence. Even if your kid is currently going to school every day while you’re at work, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are completely independent from you. And nor should they be, they are children, after all. But children who are sent to summer camps are often required to be able to make their own decisions. They need to do this without the help of their parents, and they are empowered to do so by the leaders of the summer camps. Overnight camps build a lot of independence in children and self-sufficiency in them too. They’re responsible for pitching in, with making breakfasts, for getting themselves up and dressed for the day, and for getting to breakfast on time. This is a skill that summer camp can teach them.
- They can grow in their confidence. When you give your children space to be able to make their own decisions, this will help them to build their confidence. They’ll become confident when they meet new people, and they’ll become confident when they have room to choose for themselves without parents looking over their shoulders. This self-confidence is something that your children are going to truly benefit from.
- Make new friends. Summer camp kids come from every area of the country. They’re not just exposed to the same social circles, they are every single day in the same school. But children will come from different areas and can even come in from overseas. This is good for your child as they’re going to have the opportunity to learn from others and learn about different kinds of people. This allows them to make friends with those they may never have encountered before in their daily lives.
- You get your time back. Sure, you may be taking your time to work, but you will be getting that time back. Being able to start and finish your day knowing that your kids are well cared for gives you some reassurance, but it also gives you time to focus on work and not think about whether or not you have to make 16 different snacks or hear about their iPads over and over again.
- They will learn teamwork. Camp activities often require all the children to work together, which means that even if they don’t know somebody, they’re going to have to learn to rub shoulders with them and get to know them. It teaches children the importance of working together towards common goals, and it helps to foster that sense of fun. When children learn how to deal with others, they leave. They’re going to emerge as a leader or as a follower, and you want your child to have the leadership skills necessary to manage in a team.
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