It may not seem like it, but one of the keys to a happy, healthy life is to have a good balance. But how can you find that when you feel like you’re overworked, stressed out, and have a lot on your plate? When you have a lot going on, it’s more important than ever to prioritize finding a better balance. Here’s how to do it!
1. Take the Pressure Off
One of the best ways to do this is to change your mindset. Instead of feeling busy, stressed, and pressured, you can reframe the way you see your life and everything in it. This one can be hard to put into place but it can work with a lot of practice. Half of the reason we feel stressed isn’t because of what happens to us in life, but how we react to it!
2. Take Better Care of Yourself
From here, you then need to start thinking about looking after yourself a bit better. If you’re not feeling all that balanced at the moment, looking at your lifestyle can help. Making sure that you work out, eat well, get enough sleep, and stay hydrated can make a world of difference to how you feel.
3. Seek Support
If you know that you’re ready to find a better balance, you’re going to need some help! If your workload is full to the brim, things need to go. This means that either you cut them off of your list completely or you need to get someone else to take them on for you. It could be that you hire senior healthcare solutions to support your elderly parents, get a nanny to help with childcare, delegate better at work, or look to distribute responsibilities more with your husband. It’s all about getting the support you need in place rather than struggling alone.
4. Make More Time for You
As much as you may find this one hard, you absolutely need to make sure that you’re allocating more time to yourself in your schedule! It’s so easy to think of the children and your husband, work commitments, social plans, and other responsibilities you have – but you also need a break. You have your own hobbies and interests and you should be able to indulge in them where you wish. This can help you to relax, unwind, and recharge more too.
5. Drop the Guilt!
Finally, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re learning to enjoy the balance and not feel guilty about it. As women, we can often feel like we’re responsible for everyone else – meaning we put ourselves last. So when we do try to make more time for ourselves or feel like we’re allocating some time and attention to ourselves, the guilt can creep in! And we all know that mom guilt is huge! So as much as you can, you’re going to need to try and drop some of the guilt here. It’s going to help you to find a better balance without feeling bad about it!
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