So you’ve spent most of your life living in apartments but now the time has come, and you’re moving into a house. It’s an exciting time and there’s a lot to consider, both in terms of arranging your move and the changes to expect once you’re in there.
While this new style of living has a lot of benefits, there are some things you need to consider before you move home.
Pack for your new rooms
When you’re packing up all your belongings into boxes ready to move, it’s a good idea to label them with the room that they’re going to be in when you get to your new place. But when you move from an apartment to a house, there are usually more rooms. So when you’re packing, separate out which items are going into these new rooms rather than just piling everything up and sorting it out later. Moving companies such as Allied Van Lines Canada can help you prepare all of your belongings ready for the big move.
Budget for your new house
In general, it’s more expensive to run a house than an apartment. You’ve probably already worked out your budget in terms of your mortgage but you’ll also be responsible for buildings insurance and larger utility bills.
Those new rooms are going to need furniture too and it’s unlikely you’ll have enough in your apartment to fill your new home.
You’ll also need to budget for the outside space too. You may need to buy gardening equipment, furniture or arrange for a maintenance company.
Make a list of new responsibilities
There are so many benefits to living in an apartment. You don’t need to arrange window cleaning, gardening, or putting out the trash on a particular day. So it might take a while to get used to these new responsibilities.
Get to know how the neighborhood runs
Sometimes apartment buildings have residents associations or other structures in place to deal with issues and the smooth running of the building. But often, there’s nothing like this. When you move to a house in a new neighborhood, find out if there’s a resident’s association or similar. You might be surprised at how much control these have over a certain area and can have certain rules about what you can or can’t do to your home and garden.
Try and attend any neighborhood meetings that are happening. It will help you get to know your neighbors and how things work. You never know, you might be on the committee one day.
Apartment living has its benefits and suits many people. It’s far more convenient in a lot of respects and perfect for busy people. However, when you move to your own home you have a lot more space, freedom, and responsibility. Running a property like this is a little different. You’ll soon get the hang of it but it is a bit of a lifestyle change that you need to get used to.