Titanique is a hilarious musical that tells the story of the ill-fated cruise through the lens of Celine Dion’s music. The show follows the star-crossed lovers- Jack and Rose as they embark on the maiden voyage of the Titanic, only to be tragically separated when the ship hits an iceberg and sinks.
The show is full of energy and excitement, with catchy songs, colorful costumes, and impressive stunts. The cast is all excellent, with Kathy Dietch giving a standout performance as Celine Dion. The show is sure to please fans of the Titanic, as well as fans of Dion’s music.
One of the things that makes Titanique so special is its ability to appeal to both older children and adults. I took my daughters to see the show and we laughed the entire time. Some of the humor went over their heads, but for the most part they were able to appreciate the show for the irony and story line. The cast is all excellent, and the production values are top-notch. If you’re looking for a fun and family-friendly show to see on Broadway, Titanique is a great choice.
Overall, Titanique is a fantastic show that is sure to please audiences of all ages. It’s a fun, family-friendly adventure that is full of humor, heart, and excitement. I highly recommend it! You can get your tickets to see Titanique the Musical here.