Babies are a blessing. Bringing home a newborn will always be an interesting experience. However, it can also be pretty challenging in different ways. A newborn is helpless. It relies entirely on the parents and adults surrounding it. And although most parents are caring, there are several common mistakes new mothers can make. These mistakes have repercussions.

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Common Mistakes New Mothers Make and How They Can Evade Them
Downplaying fever
Fevers have a way of frightening parents and infants. For that reason, you need to know if they are precarious and how you can handle them. But before anything else, you need to know when and how to determine a fever in your baby. While many individuals believe that body temperature of over 90 degrees is a fever, that isn’t entirely accurate.
A baby’s body temperature will often fluctuate. This is because it has more considerable variations within that normal recognizable range. While babies can tolerate fevers, you should never downplay them. If yours has a fever ranging between 98-100 degrees, then it is time to take them to a physician.
Failing to observe the safety of your car seat
Most car seats are not installed correctly. One of the best ways to keep the child safe in a car is using the correct car seat. Other than that, it would help if you used it in the right manner. Here are additional safety tips you can incorporate to protect your toddler:
Purchase the right seat- your baby should always ride in the rear-facing seat for about three years. When he or she outgrows it, you shall be ready for the next seat, which is forward-facing.
Install the seat the right way- you should be able to make a viable decision on whether to use a seat belt or resort to using a lower anchor in securing your car seat. While both are equally safe, you should not use them simultaneously.
Failing to invest in the right baby formula
Anytime you stock your baby’s nursery with clothes as well as toys, you must consider getting baby formula. But you cannot just get it without consulting the doctor. Your baby’s physician needs to give clear instructions on the right baby formula you should get for the child. Consider getting a German baby formula.
The back to sleep campaign
There is this excellent campaign known as Back to Sleep. Currently known as Safe to Sleep campaign too, the idea brought a considerable deal of attention to the syndrome of sudden death, coupled with additional sleep-related deaths in infants. The American Society of Pediatrics has recently insisted that babies need to sleep on their backs and in their cribs.
During the campaign, several sleep-related deaths have declined. Additionally, there was a decline in sleep-related deaths. But the major issue, in this case, is that not every parent knows how to put their babies to sleep. It is crucial to learn so that these kids are safe from any life-threatening situations.
Spending a lot of money on baby clothes
New mothers and parents, in general, will most of the time go overboard with the baby’s first wardrobe. Besides, they all aspire for their little ones to look good by wearing the best clothes on the market.
But unfortunately, some of the designer clothes will always be hanging in those closets with tags on even after the baby outgrows them.
In many cases, for the initial months, most babies wear onesies coupled with pajamas at home. So getting dressed up is really a rare occasion such that there is no need to invest in expensive clothing.
Bottom Line
Perhaps becoming a parent is one of the most challenging tasks you will ever encounter. To make the initial few moths easy for you, we have compiled a list of some of the things you should do and avoid doing. One of the dos is to find the right toddler formula for your child.