As parents across the developed world know, getting your kids outside is a challenge. The allure of TV and smartphone screens keeps them firmly out of the sun’s glare for most of the year. The entertainment that they can get on their devices is often much more compelling than that available outside.
The task for parents is to make outdoor activities more enjoyable. Take a look at the following tried-and-testing tricks you can use to get them playing more in the open air.
Use Treats To Get Them Outside
Some parents like to take a brute force approach to get their kids outside, but this strategy isn’t sustainable over the long-term. Having daily shouting matches isn’t good for anyone.
Here’s an idea: instead of barking orders, try using treats to get them outside. You could, for instance, organize a classic Easter egg hunt, hiding shiny chocolates around the garden for them to find. If you wanted, you could go all-out and provide a list of instructions and hints for where to find the stash of goodies.
Get Your Child A Bug Catcher
Is your child interested in wildlife? If so, you might want to give them a bug catcher kit and then wait for them to make their own way outside. Bug catcher kits come with a range of accessories, like bug houses, magnification containers, and scoops that prevent the bugs from being hurt by their temporary incarceration.
It’s incredible how much creepy crawlies you can find in the garden. There are ants, beetles, caterpillars, and ladybirds, to mention just a few.
Get The Chalk Out
If you have a patio or terrace area you don’t mind using as an art canvas, then grab the chalk and start drawing!
Kids can have a lot of fun with chalk outdoors. You can draw outlines of their bodies, scary monsters, or their favorite animal.
Create An Outdoor Playspace
Showing kids a lump of grass and saying “go play” probably isn’t going to work. They’ll just say that “there’s nothing to do.”
Parents, however, can create outdoor spaces that make going outside much more attractive. For instance, you can now buy teepee play tents online that provide both shelter and storage for toys. These makeshift tents are straightforward to put up and come in a variety of sizes. You can see which teepee tents experts recommend on sites like Consumerjar if you are stuck on which to choose.
Get An Electric Scooter
If you want your child to get outside more, then you need to provide the right incentives. With advances in battery technology, more and more “kids” transport is becoming electrified. Small batteries on the frame give the energy required for motive power, making the whole experience a lot more fun.
You can get all kinds of vehicles, from tricycles to bikes to scooters, all of them with electric options. Kids love being able to go outside and race each other at the park. Plus, using vehicles like these teaches them essential skills, like balance.