Anyone who has held a new baby knows about that “new baby smell.” The scent of pure, powdery baby, soft skin and perfection- there’s nothing like it. And then, your new baby scent is replaced with a stinky baby diaper. Sure, you can change a diaper and get rid of the scent, but unless you have a great diaper pail, that diaper scent can linger and taint your perfect looking, pinterest worthy nursery. Don’t let stinky diapers damper the excitement of new baby, get a Diaper Genie!
It seems that the Diaper Genie has been around forever! Playtex is a common name when it comes to new baby and mom products, and they have mastered the art of keeping that nursery fresh and smelling like new baby. The Playtex Diaper Genie eliminates odors by keeping diapers sealed in, even when you open the container to toss in a soiled diaper. What more can you ask for!? I know, I know- a gadget the changes baby FOR you or perhaps cooks a meal for you while you bond with baby might be that something special you would love to see, but would you accept a trip to the spa instead? I would! From now until July 31, 2014, you are eligible (while supplies last) to receive a $25 Spa Finder Gift card when you purchase 3 Diaper Genie Refills from Target (save your receipt.) Each household is eligible to redeem TWO of these offers, and it couldn’t be easier to do so! Just snap a picture of your receipt showing you purchased 3 Diaper Genie refills and click on for redemption details. Check out how easy it was:

That’s it! This was the easiest “rebate” I have every redeemed! If you have an infant in diapers, or know a new mom who might need a little time out for herself after changing all those stinky diapers, this is an offer you can’t pass up. I think it is such a great way of reminding moms they need some time for themselves, and a free $25 Spa Finder gift certificate is a great way to do that. Since Target generally runs specials on Diaper Genie refills, you can end up scoring a great deal plus get back $25 in the form of a Spa Finder gift certificate. Be sure to follow Playtex Baby on Facebook and where you can stay in the loop on product announcements, promotions, and money saving coupons.