As a mama on the go, I have tried MANY things to get myself more organized in order to get be more efficient on the go. I always find that I am either packing too many things or not enough things. I feel like I am always forgetting something when I am out. I try to make sure I have baby basics: such as diapers and water in the car at all times in the event that I do forget to place something in the diaper bag.
One of my top priorities is to make sure that I drink my coffee while organizing my morning routine. This relaxes me and also energizes me throughout the process of getting out of the house! If I don’t finish my coffee, I usually add some ice to it and drink it on the go!
Here is a list on how to get out of the house easier be more efficient on the go:
1. Make a list of everything you need, and pack your bag from the night before.
2. If there are items that you cannot pack – such as lunch, make sure you leave a note for yourself and leave them in the front of the fridge where you can see them.
3. Wake up 1/2 hour earlier than you think you need to get up, just to give yourself extra time in the event of “unthinkables” arise.
4. If you are travelling with a baby, always bring TWO extra sets of clothes, and a sweater. Even if it is summer, you might need a sweater for restaurants or indoor events.
5. Don’t RUSH! This makes you frazzled, and you will end up forgetting something.
6. Pick out your clothes and your children’s clothes from the night before. This is one less thing to worry about in the morning.
7. I like to make lists on my phone – it is always with me. This way I don’t forget anything.
8. Always have a plastic shopping bag tucked away in a pocket of your diaper bag. You never know when you might have WET soiled clothing that needs its own bag!
9. I always have a ziplock bag with 1 diaper, some wipes, a pair of socks, and an outfit for my toddler in the car. This has come in handy MANY times and I find myself always replenishing that stash!
10.R-E-L-A-X! Enjoy your coffee (Maybe some Seattle’s Best Coffee!) and your outing. Especially if this is suppose to be a fun outing. Nothing spoils an adventure more than a frazzled morning that is stressful!
Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seattle’s Best Coffee blogging program for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”