Dry skin is inevitable as the temperatures outside drop. My routine varies by season, but I’m going into this winter prepared to keep my skin from cracking during the coldest temps. Here’s my routine:
1- Find a facial moisturizer that is perfect for your skin type. Oily, dry, combination, whatever it is, there are many products on the market that can keep your skin happy. I tend to break out, so I’m picky with the products I use. An old favorite I always go back to is simply Vitamin E. My grandmother and mom used it for years.
2- Keep skin covered! We stress having our kids bundled appropriately but I’ll admit that I’ve left the house without bundling myself. Cold skin dries out, so be sure to put on weather-appropriate attire.
3- Keep lips moisturized! This one comes from my hubby, who is a big fan of ChapStick. He MUST have a tube in the car, and another in his jacket pocket. He swears by this stuff, and with good reason – Chapstick keeps your lips supple and soft. If your lips are already dried out, Chapstick will help protect the skin as it heals. Everyone has a favorite- mine was always cherry but his is the black, original variety. My oldest daughter LOVES the coconut flavor.
4- Use a humidifier overnight. This advice came from our pediatrician for the kids. After cosleeping and using a humidifier in our room at night, we’ve noticed an improvement in our “itchies” as we call them. My oldest daughter tends to get dry skin easy and the humidifier helps keep those itchies away.
5- Ditch the hot shower. I know, I know. HOT showers are the only showers I take, but our family dermatologist says this can exacerbate dry skin. He recommends we keep the water warm and not let it get too hot.
And there you have it! 5 of my favorite ways to keep skin happy this winter. If you have any tips you would like to add, I’d love to hear them!