Getting to school each morning was hectic last year. I had my girls in two different schools at opposite parts of town. Now they are in the same school and we can slow down a little bit in the morning and walk together. Since the weather is still nice, it’s been quite enjoyable walking all three kids to school in the morning. I have the baby in the stroller and both girls on their scooters. My middle daughter is in Pre-K, so she’s too big for a stroller but complains about walking longer distances. Once I saw she was able to make it to the park on her scooter, I knew this would be the best way to get to and from school everyday for her. It’s fun, provides physical activity, teaches her body control, and gives us a different option when getting to school. My oldest has had a Razor Sweet Pea scooter for years, but my preschooler needed something more her pace. Something that didn’t glide quite as quick and offered more support in her strides. The Razor Lil’ Pop Scooter is great for her, and so cute! Let me tell you more about it-
The Razor Lil’ Pop Scooter features three wheels as opposed to two. Think of it like training wheels for scooters, only they don’t come off. Trying out two different scooters- one with two wheels in the back and one with two wheels in the front, I find the two wheels in the front are optimal and keep younger riders more sturdy.
Let’s not forget what makes the Razor Lil’ Pop so special- it lights up! It doesn’t stay lit for long but my preschooler can press the button with her finger or foot and loves this feature. I would love if she had the option to keep it lit the entire time she’s riding just so she’s not distracted to stop mid-travel to light it back up.
Two things I would change about the Razor Lil’ Pop Scooter–
The glide isn’t too smooth, and my preschooler notices. She’s fine going slower than her sister, and actually prefers it, but the gliding is rickety and doesn’t feel great for longer distances.
It’s not adjustable- My preschooler is very tall for her age, but still too immature for a big-girl scooter. Height options would be nice.
The Razor Lil’ Pop Scooter retails for $49.99 and can be purchased from Amazon and other retailers.