Right before I got married I did something many people think about doing but don’t actually do – I opened a business. At the time I thought I had what it took to be my own boss and do something I truly enjoyed doing. Starting a business is a lot of responsibility and requires a lot of time and thought in order for it to be successful.
One thing you may notice about successful businesses is that they have Vanity Numbers. I looked into this option, but it was very expensive and I felt that I should allocate that money somewhere else until the business started generating more income. I asked the phone company that I was working with what my options would be, as far as Vanity Numbers, but they did not offer this feature. The best they were able to offer me were Toll Free Numbers. At the time, that was the more economical way to go.
Why are Vanity Numbers important? It gives your customers a mnemonic device to remember how to reach you. Think of the jingles you see on television ads – they all include vanity numbers and if you needed to call at any time, you would most likely remember it. Keep this in mind for your future business!
This post was sponsored and was in behalf of Grasshopper.com, a company that sells toll free numbers for businesses.
The key is the mnemonic nature of the vanity number. Consumers see thousands of ad placements everyday, so your business needs to stand out and what better way to do so than a vanity number. In fact recent studies show that the vanity number is 9 times more memorable than a regular numeric toll-free. So if you want people to remember your business you need the help of a vanity number or it will be a much harder task.