Well, it hit us.. The flu bug has made its way through each person in my family and we are still feeling the after effects. With secondary infections showing up alongside with the flu, like bronchitis, strep throat, and now another mystery fever in my toddler, you can imagine the amounts of meds, saline, fever reducers, and tissues we have gone through. In a matter of two weeks, we have gone through at least 10 boxes of tissues, 30 saline tubes, 3 jars of fever reducers, and the prescribed meds from our doctors.
Knowing how sensitive little noses can be when there is constant boogie-wiping, I’m very picky about which tissues I will use on my family. I often put cream around their noses when they have colds, but Puffs Plus Lotion tissues provides a comfortable nose-wiping experience for the family when they are sick. There is nothing worse than an irritated nose when you already don’t feel good, especially with little ones who at some point won’t let you near them with a tissue if their skin is already irritated. I love that Puffs Plus Lotion has soothing relief built into the tissue, while other tissues can feel like sand paper at some point.
So, we braved the horrid cold weather, the flu, and everything else that comes along with winter in NYC. As we prepare for allergy season, I will be sure to have plenty of Puffs Plus Lotion tissues on hand to keep our boogies contained and our noses comfy. You can find out more by visiting Puffs and checking out their Facebook page for upcoming promotions.
Oh I know the feeling, we just got through a round of the really bad coughs. The ones that sound like croup. I like the tissues with the lotions in it as well, and we use that aquapher for the chapped skin around the nose. Thankfully we are all on the mend now,
I love PUffs, especially when I’m sick… they are so soft and work like a charmm.
That lotion is definitely soothing on tender noses. It’s amazing how quickly they get sore!
Luckily we have had just a few small colds this season, but I always keep Puffs in the house they always moisture my kids noses so they dont get chapped.
Thankfully we did not get the flu this year, but when my daughter’s allergies are acting up, Puffs is always my go to. I’m glad everyone is getting better.
This year has been extra crazy. It seems like from Dec. to now we have been sick or at the doctor. My kids also have allergies – so Puffs are a must in our home!
We just got over having a major bout of sickies in the house. Then this morning, my daughter woke all stuffed up. Tie to break out the tissues.
So far I have been lucky and haven’t got the flu but I have had my share of colds. The kids are getting over some icky virus.
puffs with lotion
my wife’s best friend’s this brutal winter
puffs with lotion!