Power Rangers have made their comeback and this next generation of kids love them just about as much as my generation did. My nephew has enjoyed many Power Rangers toys, but his heart is in building things. When we were sent the Mega Bloks Power Rangers kit with over 300 pieces, he was ecstatic. Don’t confuse these Mega Bloks with the much bigger, harder to swallow Mega Bloks for younger children. These Mega Bloks are small and easy to choke on, so if you have young kids around, be sure to supervise.
My nephew is surrounded by girls, between my daughters and his sister, everything is usually pink, fluffy, and layered in tulle. He has come to accept that these girls are here to stay, so when I gave him the Mega Bloks Power Rangers kit while the girls played Barbie, he decided to teach the girls how to build a castle for their beloved Barbies. Now, that’s teamwork! I love how all the kids came together to build something with the Mega Bloks set, although a castle is not the main purpose of this specific kit- a working launcher is what the finished product will be, but that may take some patience. My husband looked at the easy to read instructions, which are simple enough for a child who can’t read since it’s all pictures, and also seemed excited to finally build something that wasn’t geared towards a princess!
Don’t get me wrong- we don’t generally choose gender-based toys or even label toys “boy toys” or “girl toys,” but my girls have a tendency to choose things that are pink and purple and gravitate towards dolls. You can find the Power Rangers Mega Bloks Working Launcher is available at Toys R Us, Amazon, and Kohls, and retails at $19.99.
My kids love MegaBloks, they get tons of play out of these sets, and they can get very creative with them too. Great price too!