As a race, we need to do more to walk this planet without stomping out all of its natural resources. This isn’t always easy to do, not with the planet changing and upgrading as quickly as it is. We are putting more and more pressure on the planet as we go through our day to day lives, and reducing the carbon footprint should be a priority for every single person living here. This will ensure that the planet is habitable for future generations and to be able to do this, we need to rely on renewable resources as much as possible.
Renewable resources are substances that don’t diminish, like going solar or choosing hydropower and biomass energy. These resources are those that we have to use to survive and not all natural resources are renewable ones. All of our water and air derive from natural resources, so we have to conserve them as much as possible. When we use non-renewable resources, we are sucking the life from the planet we’re relying on, and when we use fossil fuels, we are responsible for the issues with climate change. We don’t have to be, though, not when we learn to conserve our natural resources as much as possible. If we can reduce greenhouse emissions, we can have a much more positive impact on the natural environment out there. So, how can we conserve natural resources at home? We’ve got eight tips below:
- Work on your water use. One of the best ways to conserve natural resources is to use less water. You can do this with shorter showers, turning off the water between teeth brushing and rinsing and not rinsing dishes under a steady flow. You can also avoid using too much water by only using washing machines and dishwashers at a full load.
- Switch out the lights. If you’re not in the room, do you need the light on? You have to think about how often you’re leaving your lights on. Not only are you spending all of your money on electricity, you’re wasting energy that could be used elsewhere. You should also swap your bulbs out to LED options as they require much less energy to run, too. Alternative lighting methods like candles in the evening could also be an excellent idea!
- Rely on renewable energies. If you want to conserve natural resources, you should think about using renewable energy. It’s much easier, for example, on your wallet to harness the power of the sun than it is to burn coal – which is limited. The sun doesn’t have any limits in our lifetime. We’re looking at billions of years before it burns out. Renewable energy keeps replenishing, which cuts down on the need to harvest anything new. Wind energy helps to reduce our reliance on natural gases.
- Work on your recycling. If you are working on recycling at home, you’re going to be able to create new products and new resources. Recycling allows you to reuse the materials that you already have, and manufacturing new materials can help you to reduce your waste. This then helps to decrease air pollution.
- Open your own compost bin. You can have a compost pile in the garden to feed your plants and you’ll be giving back to the environment. Converting your food scraps to materials that you can use is a must and composting helps to enrich your soil and reduces your needs for improving water runoff. When you compost, you ensure that you have somewhere for your scraps to go and this is a good way to save the energy that you use at home.
- Where you can, reduce your plastics. By using so much plastic, you’re going to end up being a part of the problem! Single-use plastics are the main issue, but reusable plastics aren’t so much of a problem. You can also carry your own grocery bags instead of plastic bags, and reusing these items will help you to keep excess trash away from landfill.
- Keep an eye on your home temperatures. If you’re worrying about conservation of natural resources at home, heating and air conditioning should be a concern of yours. Keeping your thermostat at a regular temperature can help you to conserve energy and use less. Constantly changing the temperature will end up with your bills being higher and you will use more energy as a result.
- Shop around. If you shop at thrift stores, you’re going to end up being able to find what you need without contributing to the creation of more unnecessary clothing.
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