If you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you may already know that I use to be a Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher. I taught kids the basic necessities they needed to function in their everyday lives, and for fun, we would even make cookies! That IS a necessity, isn’t it??
My toddler is finally at an age where she can enjoy helping her mama out in the kitchen. She even has her own kitchen IN my kitchen and mimics everything I do. I love every minute of it. There is no room I enjoy more in my home than my kitchen. When we first moved it, the kitchen was the first room to get decorated because I knew I would spend so much time in there.
All this talk about the holidays and baking got me excited to get the ball rolling on holiday cookies this year. Each year my mom and I make traditional Greek cookies – kourabiedes and melomakarona (recipes will follow soon!) Last year we didn’t make any because my little girl was very sick with RSV, so this year I’m hoping we can keep up the tradition and make these yummy holiday treats.
Although I know my little girl will love the sweet Greek holiday cookies, I decided that it would be more fun to make plain sugar cookies or snicker doodles that she can decorate with fun sprinkles. I just ordered a huge 100 piece cookie cutter set and holiday sprinkles so we can get started on baking soon! I know – what on EARTH do you need 10o cookie cutters for? Well, I’m sure we will be making other holiday cookies as well, like Valentines Day and Halloween, so I figured I would just buy the set and have them for other events as well.
I’ll be posting a few cookie recipes over the next few days. What are some of your favorite cookie recipes??