My youngest baby is just about ready to start potty training, and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that she has an older sister. My youngest is very independent. She does her own thing, prefers to feed herself, and tries to do everything her big sister does. So, potty training isn’t too far in the future for us, and we have already started taking steps to train her to use the potty. Each time her older sister uses the potty, she asks to go also, so I put her on the potty and wait a few minutes. She hasn’t gotten the hang of it yet, but by putting her in this type of routine, I’m hoping she will be trained within the next few months.
Teaching kids to take a potty break is important because they often get side tracked with playing that they don’t realize they have to go until it’s too late. This is especially important for newly trained tots who may not be use to recognizing the signs of needing to use the potty. With my older daughter, I would have her take a potty break every hour, whether she expressed she had to go or not. Now, she is able to tell me herself that she needs to go and has been accident free for almost two years!
have been our go-to training pants. They feature fun designs, such as the new Monsters U characters, and help children recognize the sensation of feeling wet, which diapers don’t usually do. Diapers are designed to pull moisture away and keep baby dry. Although some children may feel that potty training is daunting, which my oldest did in the beginning, they will all eventually “get it” and reach that stage where they are able to use the potty when they need to. During this transition process, Pull Ups can help!
Pull-Ups helps take the scare out of potty training by making it fun and easy with new Monsters U character training pants! You can help make potty training easier by staying consistent and using rituals like the potty break. Make it a game and ask your toddler, “What does a little monster take?”…“A Potty Break!”
and “like” Pull-Ups on Facebook for more potty training tips and resources.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Huggies Pull-Ups.
I love the new Monsters Inc. Designs! So cute.
I love that they have disney characters on them now. so cute!
I love the designs and handiness of these training pants.
Love these designs, so cute!
It’s really nice that kids can feel wet but the pull-ups also absorb so it’s not like a typical accident!
They are so cute. I love Monsters Inc.
I haven’t seen such cute Huggies Pull -Ups.
I love that they are taking the scare out of potty training!
I love that new Monsters University design. Super cute!
Pullups are so fun! I love when kiddos get excited to potty train! 🙂
So neat that they have disney characters on them, I bet that helps the kids get comfortable with them.
I love the new characters. I don’t really understand why there is a picture of Ariel on the bag though when she’s not on the diapers though. This really disappoints my daughter every time she goes to grab a diaper :/
Love the cute characters, perfect to get kids motivated.
I love it that they have MU characters on them.
These are such cute designs
WE used these a lot!!
Love the new designs!
we have the boy version of these.
The designs are so cute!
Oh the monsters are SO cute!!
My son is obsessed with the Monsters Inc. Pull-Ups!
Gotta love that Mike and Sulley are on them!!
I love the Mike and Sulley designs! My girls love Monsters Inc and University so this would’ve been a big hit with them!