Kmart has released their Fab 15 toys for this holiday season! As you guess it, a lot of the hottest names in toys have made the list, like Snow Glow Elsa, VTech, and Zoomer. I know this season is not only about the gifts and the toys, but it’s so hard to resist the joy from kid’s faces when they get a new toy they have been watching on commercials and wanting to try out themselves!
My oldest daughter has joined the Zoomer craze and with the new Zoomer Dino, there is lots of fun to be had! Zoomer Dino is an awesome little pet that won’t mess up your house, or will he? He is a T-Rex after all! You can train and play with your Zoomer Dino as if he was a real pet. His moods change as much as my 5 year old’s, and training him requires patience. He comes with a remote and a bone, and can be trained to fetch, dance, and more. Just don’t pull his tail, he doesn’t like that too much!
Another great toy this season on Kmart’s Fab15 list is the Vtech Kidzoon Smartwatch. This educational watch features apps to get your child moving, track their progress, and reach their goals! There is even a camera feature and learning games to keep your little one entertained during car rides. I love the portability of this fun little gadget, and you can find it at Kmart this season!
What do you think about winning a Zoomer Dino or Vtech Kidzoom Smartwatch this season? You can enter to win one or both toys below!
I would like to win this for my Grandkids!
I would love to win this for my grandson! Thanks
hoping to win
This would be going to one of the grandchildren! Thanks
My son would love to dino!
my grand child
My oldest daughter would have so much fun with the Smartwatch!
I would like to win the Dino for my son.
Winning this for my daughter would help out our Christmas so much!
I would like to win it for Nathan, my grandson who adores Dinosaurs. He is * today and has liked them since he was 2.
I would love the smart watch for my son.
I would win this for my daughters!
I would like to win it for my son. Thanks for the giveaway:)
I would love to win the watch for my niece. Thanks for the giveaway:)
I would love to win this for my four children!
Would like to win daughters for Christmas
i want this for my two boys!
I’d like to win it for my kids.
My son
I would love to win this for my son .
My son would love either
I’d love to win Zoomer for my nephew!
I’d love to win the watch for my nephew also!
I’d love the kidizoom watch for my daughter.
I would like to win this for my cousin!
I would like to win this for my son 🙂
I would love to win the watch for my niece!
I would love to win the watch for my daughter, she has been asking for one!
I would love to win the Dino for my son, he loves dinosaurs!
I would like to win for one of our girls.
I would like to win for one of our 4 girls.
I would love to win Zoomer Dino for my grandson!
I would like to win this for my son.
I am hoping to win this for my daughter.
I would like to win this for my daughter.
I would love to win for my daughter 🙂
I know my son would love to have the zoomer Dino! I would love to get it for him for Christmas!
My 4 year old would LOVE this!
I would love to win them for my son! Both are on his Christmas list!
I want to win for my son
it would be for my granddaughter
I would love to win this for my children to enjoy.
my grandson would like the zoom watch
would love these
i wanna win the dino for my oldest dd she loves that kind of stuff
I’d love to win this for my 6 year old son. Such great prizes.
i would love the watch for my youngest dd
I’d love to win this for my daughter.
I would like to win this for my grandson
I would like to win this for my granddaughter
I would love to win this for my grandson, he LOVES dino’s!
I would love to win the smart watch for my granddaughter!
My kids would love these 🙂
I would love to win for my son…thanks for the chance
I want to win for my son
My sons birthday is on dec 20th. He would love this cute dinosaur!
My girls would have so much fun with the watch.
I would love to win this for my grandson. Zoomer is on the top of his ist.
I would love to win the watch for my granddaughter.
My nephew would get it
My 5 year old son!
The zoomer dino for my nephew
I’d love to win Zoomer Dino for my kids.
I’d love to win the Smartwatch for my kids.
the watch for my goddaughter
I would like this for my daughter.
I would also like the Dino for my daughter.
I’d Like To Win The Zoomer Dino For My Nephew.
I’d like to win the Dino for my son for Christmas.
I’d love to win this for my 5 year old, he would love the Zoomer Dino for Christmas.
Would like to win the Dino for my boyfriends son for Christmas. He would love it!
Would love to win the V tech watch for my youngest daughter. She wants one of them for Christmas.
I’d love to win the Dino for my son!
My grandson Dalton. I am not sure why but he is absolutely fascinated with “all things dinosaurs.” lol Thank you for the chance to win and good luck to all! 🙂
This Vtech Smart watch is another great idea for my grandson Dalton. He is 6 yrs old and a sponge when it comes to learning and wanting to learn. He loves technology too so I know he would be thrilled to have this Vtech KidZoom SmartWatch. Kmart has really picked some great toys for their Fab 15. Thank you and good luck everyone! 🙂
I would love to win the Dino for my grandson.
I would love to win the Smartwatch for my grandson.
I’d love to win the dino for my 10 year old.
I’d love to win the watch for my daughter.
I would like to win the Dino for my nephew
I would love to win the watch for my daughter
I’d like either one for my nephew.
i would love to win this for my daughter
Both of these would be great for my youngest son!
Id like to win this for my daughter.
I would like to win this for my daughter
I would give this to the little girl I nannied for.
I would give this to my nephew if I won! He would love it!
I would give the Dino to my son.
I would give the smart watch to my daughter.
The watch I would gift to my niece, both my kids are too old, but my niece would love it
i would love to win the dino for my son! He would absolutely love this toy!
I would love to win the Dino for my little guy.
I would love to win the vTech watch for my little girl.
I would love to win this for my 2 sons!
I would like to win for my nephew!
I would like to win either of these for my son.
I like to win for my nieces& nephews.
I want to win this for my son!
the Dino would be for my son.
The Smart watch would go to my Daughter
The Dino would go to my 3rd daughter who loves dinosaurs!
The smart watch would go to my 4 year old daughter!
i would like to win this for my son!!
I would like to win this for my niece who loves dinosaurs.
I would love to win for my son.
My oldest daughter has asked for that Zoomer Dino for Christmas EVERY DAY for the past 2 months!
I would love to win this for my youngest son.
I would love the Dino for my son.
I would like the watch for my daughter.
My son would love the Dino
My son would also love the watch!
I would love to win the dino for my granddaughter. She would love it.
I would like to win this for my grandson.
For my grandkids! They would love this!
Wuld love to win for my kids they love these
I would love to win the smart watch for my daughter!
I would love to win this for my two little boys!
My oldest granddaughter would love to have the watch.
Zoomed is at the top of my grandsons list this year. He loves Dinosaurs.
I would love to win this for my grandson
What great toys! Would love these for my kiddos!
I would like to win the watch for my daughter. I think she would love it.
I’d like to win the Dino for my grandson and the Kidzoom watch for my niece (dd has one and LOVES it!).
I would love to win the Zoomer Dino for my son, he’d absolutely love it!!
I’d love to win the Kidizoom Smartwatch for my daughter!!
I would love this win the Dino for my six year old son and the Kidizoom Smartwatch for my four year old son.
Oh I would love to win the smartwatch for my grandson! He keeps seeing the commercial on TV, and really wants it. Would be wonderful to help teach him time! He has been so interested in time lately and always asks what time it is!
I would love to win the smart watch for my 5 year old son.
The zoomer dino looks like fun for the whole family.
I’d love win each for my niece and my daughter!
my nephew would love both
I would like to win this for my two boys for Christmas
I would love to win for my daughter!
i would like to win this for my nephew
I would like to win Zoomer for my son!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I would love to win the Zoomer Dino for my nephews they would love it.
I would love to win the Smartwatch for my niece she would love it!
I would like to win the dinosaur for my son !:)
he loves all things dinosaurs!!
the watch would be for my daughter because sh’e sbeen wanting one of these!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!
I would love to win for my daughter the dino she is asking for one.
I would like to win the watch for my youngest grandson.
I would like to win the dino for my son!!
I would like to win the watch for my son!!
I would love to win the dino for my son
I would like to win the watch for my son
I would like to win the dino for my son!!
I want to win the watch for my daughter!!
I’d like to win the VTech KidZoom Smartwatch for my daughter. She’s seen this on TV and has asked for one.
I would love to win this for my sons.
I’d love to win the Smartwatch for either of my two sons!
I want to win Zoomer for grandson AJ
I would like to win for my boys.
My son…my son has aspergers and tourettes and doesn’t normally like loud toys but for some reason he saw this and was instantly obsessed with it. I would SO love to win this for him since I can’t afford to buy it for him. Thanks for the opportunity!!
I’d love to win either of these! Zoomer for my oldest son and the Vtech watch for my oldest daughter.
I would love to win the zoomer dino for my son, he’s been asking for one for Christmas
I would like to win this for my son. He’d like it a lot.
i would like to win dino for my daughter.
I would like to win this for my best friend’s daughter
I would love to win this for my little cousin.
I would like to win this for my 7 year old son.
i would love to win the zoom watch for my son!!
My 6 yr old son has been asking for the Zoomer Dino
I want to get zoomer dino for my son
I would love to win Zoomer Dino for my 2 sons, because when the Christmas toy books came to our house it was the first thing they pointed to.
I would win this for my son!
I would like to get smart watch for my daughter
I’d win Zoomer for my son
I’d win the smart watch for my little girl
I would like to win the VTech KidZoom Watch for my daughter, because she told me how cool it is and wants it on her Christmas list.
My twin boys both asked for the dino this year!
I’d like to win this for my grandson
I want to win the watch for my best friend’s daughter!
I want to win this for my son.
My oldest son would like this
My neice would love this
I would like to win this for my youngest daughter
it would be for me. kidding. kind of. i would probably give it to my nephew to play with whne he is at my place. 😉
My son has been eyeing this at the store, so it would be a birthday present for him after Christmas. How fun!
I would love to win both for my nephews. thank you
I would love to have this for my daughter!
I’d like to win the dino for my nephew and the VTech for my niece.
I would like to win both of these for my grandchildren.
I would love to win the Zoomer Dino for my son for Christmas.
I would love to win the VTech Kidzoom SmartWatch for my son for Christmas.
Eeek!!! This is on my son’s Christmas list. I would LOVE to win this for him!!
wanna win for my nephew!
I’d like to win both for my nephew.
This would be for my friend little boys
I would love to win the Dino for my son.
I would love to win the Smart watch for my son.
I would love to win the Zoomer Dino for my nephew.
I would love to win the Vtech Kidzoom Smartwatch for my nephew.
I would like to win the dino four my four year old son he is dino crazy
I would love to win the watch for my 7 year old daughter she seen it in the store and was wanting it so bad
I want to win it for my granddaughter
I would love to win the Kidizoom watch for my granddaughter.
My teenage girl would love the smart watch 🙂
I would love to win this for my son.
I would love to win the Smart Watch for my daughter.
My little one would LOVE the dino!
I want to win the zoomer dino for our son
I want to win the smartwatch for my niece.
left comment on oshgosh post
I would like the watch for my niece.
I would like the dino for my son.
I’d like to win this for my nephew.
I would love to win the Dino for both my boys to share
I would give the watch to my eldest son because he is already in school and learning about time and physical fitness and it would be a great tool
thank you
I would love to win either of these for my nephew.
I would like to win this for my niece she wants the Vtech Kidzoom Smartwatch
I would love to win this for my niece. I would love to see her so happy.
I would like to win this for my daughter
I would love to win Dino for my daughter.
my son!
I would love to win this for my nephew.
I’d like to win this for my oldest daughter.
I want to win for my grandson.
I want to win the watch for my grandson.
I would love to win for my 4 yo daughter and 1yo son!