A few weeks ago my daughters invited some friends over to host a Groovy Girls party. Girlie parties have become the norm around here, having two girls who have only girl-friends (boys still have cooties) means that we get to have some of the best parties with splashes of pink, purple, and zebra print! We started hosting playdates when my oldest was around 2, and each party is unique and always provides some kind of learning experience- even if it’s just “sharing” “being kind” and other life lessons.
This time around, it was me that was learning something new- I will get to that in a bit. Groovy Girls, made by Manhattan Toy Company, sent us just about everything we needed to make our party successful. Pink plates and napkins, pink balloons (which were blown up with a Balloon Time helium tank we always keep on hand) and fun swag for the girls- an assortment of Groovy Girls, a Groovy Girls Tent, bed, carrying tote, and crafts. We were celebrating the Groovy Girls Sweet 16 birthday, and what better way than with a unique doll for each unique child.
This is where MY learning moment came in. I was afraid that the girls would fight over a specific doll. Maybe one had a certain style dress or hair that would make girls fight- because girls are girls and they can get quite catty at times. Not this time. I was shocked that the girls were so grateful they had this opportunity that there were NO fights! It was so interesting to see why each girl chose the doll she did, and after each girl picked her favorite, I would always ask why. A lot of comments were: “I liked her hair” “I loved her outfit” and “I liked her name.”
This is what makes Groovy Girls so special- there is a special doll out there for your little one. Each doll is different, just like our children, and they can find something to relate to. Along with dolls, the girls also got to make a cupcake craft, which was short lived. The Groovy Girls Craftalicious Cupcake craft itself was awesome and included everything each girl needed to make a [non-edible] cupcake. They each got to decorate with the included icing, which I know was my oldest daughter’s favorite- She BEGS to help me decorate cupcakes, and this was her chance to be a shining star! I say this craft was short lived because as soon as the girls started, they were over it. The weather turned out to be miserably hot and the girls were ready move on and get out of the sun.
So, all in all I can say our Groovy Girls party was a HIT! We ate pizza, real cupcakes, painted nails, pretended with our new friends, and most importantly- MADE MEMORIES! That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it!? Each girl got to stuff her goody bag with a Groovy Girls headband, wristband, color-changing pencil, tattoos, and her own special Groovy Girl!
Those dolls are quite adorable!