It seems that everything around me operates on Murphy’s law: if I take a quick 5 minute walk to the supermarket, my toddler will need to go potty, if I plan a trip to the park, it will rain, and if I purchase a 5 year warrantee on an appliance, it will stop working the day after the warranty is up.
I guess you can see where this is going; I purchased a refrigerator 5 years ago, and got the 5 year warrantee. I used the warrantee twice in those 5 years for small issues, but within days of the warrantee expiring, I had a BIG issue. The thermostat on my fridge isn’t working properly, and at the standard temperature (which it has been on for 5 years) freezes everything in my fridge. Carrots: frozen. Milk: frozen. Yogurt, apples, you name it – frozen. So, I upped the temperature on the fridge and everything seemed like it was back to normal, except the little guy in the computer that tells my fridge it should be at a specific temperature. I can’t seem to shut him off, and he keeps reverting the temperature to a preset. Do you know what happens to carrots when they thaw out? MUSH. I’m not happy…
So, I guess I’m in the market for a new fridge and since I do all my shopping online, this is no different. In the past I would go to the appliance store in person, but I love that I can see product reviews for appliances online before I make this huge purchase. I’ve never actually made a big purchase like this online before, so it will be my first time, but I don’t expect it to be any different that shopping for a pair of shoes online.
Have you ever purchased an appliance through the internet?
Disclosure: This post was brought to you by the Fairy Hobmother. If you leave a comment with a link to your blog, he may grace you!
I would love a visit from the HobMother!
Oh no!! I have had that happen before, and it was awful. We ended up losing hundreds of dollars worth of food. Luckily, we were renting and the landlord had to replace it. Congrats on your Fairy Hobmother visit!
oh no 🙁 but I totally know where you’re coming from. I bought a laptop and seriously 2-3 days after my 2 year warrently expired the stupid thing crashed. Dead. would not come on. I was livid!
So sorry. I love my fridge, congrats on Fairy Hobmother!
Oh I hate it when that happens! It is always after the warranty expires! Congrats on Fairy Hobmother – I am hoping to get a visit one day!
I’m a little nervous to puchase major items via the internet. It’s much easier to return something to the store than if it were bought online!
Being Frugal and Making it Work
I’m so sorry, what a pain. I need a larger frig or my children need to stop eating.
Ugh. I’m sorry.
OHH sorry about your fridge!!
i’d love a visit from fairy hobmother..
I am sorry and unfortunatly I know exactly what you are going through. We had a Samsung fridge that was about 5 years old that we just had to get rid of due to the same problem except ours would keep the frrezer frozen. The freezer was supposed to be at -2 but instead it was at 25ish so we called it the extra cold fridge because it wouldn’t keep bread, waffles or ice cream frozen. It was really really frustrating and since this was the second major problem in 5 yrs there was no way we were going to put any more money into it so we got rid of it and need to get a nother fridge. I have never purchased an appliance via the internet so I am interested to see how it works out for you. Godd luck and let us know how it turns out.
While I’m sorry for your fridge it sounds like a great time for a Fairy Hobmother visit lol!
My fridge likes to freeze everything too. It is the worst!
I have never bought an appliance through the internet… but have bought many other items online. I personally like to see, touch, feel and ‘pretend’ work things before I buy them. I am a very tactile buyer. 😉
I hear you about things not working the day after the warranty expires. Appliances, cars, TV’s, you name it.
By the way, I think I had a visit last week but forgot to add my contact info which has been remedied. Let this be a lesson to everyone…have a contact form and/or email address for readers to contact you.
Oh no, it figures that the thing dies after the warranty goes out.
We need a new everything.. hate this apartment.. So moving!
We’re also very familiar with Murphy’s Law here. Especially this part – your car will not misbehave when the guy is looking at it to fix it.
I’d love a visit from the fairy hobmother!
Isn’t this the truth?!?!?
When it rains, it pours! I hope you resolve everything soon.
No I havent actually…. id be afraid too without going to the store and looking!
good luck in fridge online shopping. I am interested to see how it all turns out.
Mine is looking pretty shabby these days too 🙁
I have the same problem with my fridge getting too cold, but it usually only happens in the summer when it’s really hot down here in FL. My freezer also messes up when it gets too hot and my ice maker shoot gets all clogged.
I need a new fridge also, but have to wait to save money for now.
Hope you can get one soon.
I want one of a new fridge that has the bottom draw that pulls out.
My fridge has a mind of its own, lol.
I think it should be called Moms Law… I need some new cloth diapers – well I don’t need them, but I want them! 🙂
I definitely need a new fridge too. There is no telling how old mine is and the ice maker quit working long ago.
i so want a silver metal double sided fridge.
My new fridge is great, it’s by KitchenAid, it has the freezer on the bottom and the water filter inside, so it’s just super convenient. Maybe check them out?
Ha — last year, within two weeks … THREE of our major appliances died. My fridge, the washer and the dryer…. it was awful!
We need a new kitchen LOL