I can’t believe school is starting in just two weeks! I’m definitely not ready, but as I realize that the time is ticking away, I still need to prepare my daughter for her first year of full time school. We talk about school often, and she mentions how much she misses her 2 half days a week preschool, but she has no idea what is in store for her in a full day school. She actually requested to go to school for more hours and more days a week, and I’m still not sure if I made the right decision or not putting her in a full day school at only 4 years old.
It’s scary – just thinking of the pressures on kids these days and academics. I remember the pressure myself. Making sure you aced all your classes, passed all your tests, got honor roll.. etc. But quite honestly, that wasn’t me. I was a smart kid, but just not academically incline. Being the child of a teacher myself, it was hard to bring home anything less than an A, and I’m worried my daughters will face the same pressures having two parents as teachers. Did you know that each year, 1 million students fail to graduate high school? I know I’m getting ahead of myself here, but it’s something I’m worried about, even having kids in elementary school. What scares me is that the numbers increase.
As a parent and a teacher, I know how important it is to support students and lead them down a path to success. It’s easier said than done, but we all know what it takes to make a successful student. The good thing is, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America have joined forces with Disney to launch an online supply drive. You can help, and it’s simple – play a pop-quiz style game and you can help donate school supplies to local BGCA Clubs. Get 5 correct answers and a donation is made! This is such an awesome initiative and a great way to give back! Check out the online game.
You can also access a ton of educational content for your budding student at BGCA, and also find out more information on their initiatives and how they can help your student stay on track.
kymi a says
I love the BGCA they are in our community and what a big difference they have made in lots of kids lives here. I look forward to donating and helping them supply and support the kids. Thank you for sharing an awesome post.
April Yedinak says
I think BGCA is great. I am going to go to their site and check it out. I know there is a lot of pressure on kids at school nowdays. Two of my kids just started public school after years of homeschooling. They find the academic side fairly easy (they claim I gave them way more work than they get now), but some of the other stuff is difficult for them- being rushed to finish things quickly, kids picking on one another, kids that don’t respect the teacher or stop talking in class.