Immediately after I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I started taking prenatals. I didn’t do much research on them because I just took what the doctor gave me. I know that not all vitamins are created equal, but I just didn’t know enough about prenatal vitamins to be choosy about my options.
After taking the initial prenatals for a few days, I had to switch to a different brands because on top of already being nauseas from the pregnancy hormones, I was not getting nauseas from the prenatals. It took about 3 different trials with prenatals before I found the right ones for me.
Although I am no longer pregnant, I still take a prenatal everyday because I feel it helps give me an energy boost. I am planning to get pregnant again and I know that the amounts of certain vitamins are essential in the crucial first weeks of pregnancy – even before you find out you are pregnant.
New Chapter Perfect Prenatal are available without a prescription. I find that they are very easy to digest and do not cause nausea. They contain all of the important nutrients you would expect to find in any prenatal, however they also contain class one herbal support which controls nausea. I have never taken a prenatal that was as small as New Chapter Prefect Prenatals, which is great because many of my friends have told me that they reason they never took prenatals was because they were difficult to swallow. New Chapter Perfect Prenatals also contain probiotics which aids in a healthy digestive system.
You can purchase New Chapter Prenatals at Best Price Nutrition or you can try to win a bottle!
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