Tomorrow is the official start of potty training day. We have played with the potty and even used it a few times, but tomorrow we are ditching the diapers and using big girl underwear! I am anticipating a few accidents, but that comes with the territory. My little girl has been showing signs of potty training readiness from 16 months. Now she asks me to change her as soon as she feels wet and she knows that poop goes in the potty – since we do that with the cloth diapers.
I know the key to successful potty training is consistency and it is hard to be consistent because we are always on the go. It is rare for us to spend a full day at home. Our plans for tomorrow have been cancelled, so I decided to make it a potty training day – until nap time at least. This is the most difficult for us because it is hard to dedicate a full day to potty training let alone a few days.
Do you have any potty training tips, tricks, or advice to share? All children are different but I love to hear your opinions!