When I was a little girl, I was afraid of everything in the dark, or rather, what I thought was in the dark! I watched a lot of things on TV that I just wasn’t mature enough to handle, you know – before the days of Nick Jr and Sprout.
My little girl does not have a fear of the dark yet. She can sit in a dark quiet bedroom and giggle! She definitely gets that from her daddy! I know there might be a day that she will begin to have irrational fears of the dark and I am not looking forward to it.
Alicia at Scare Me Not had the right idea when she started making scary looking stuffed animals for children. They actually aren’t scary looking, but they are definitely unusual! Here is their story:
I was given the opportunity to review Protector Patty. As soon as I opened the box, my little girl immediately adopted her and tried to feed her. (She is a little Greek mother in training – always trying to feed the ones she loves!) I underestimated the actual size of the dolls and in retrospect I should have gotten the travel size. I think it is a great idea that there are two sizes for each doll, so that a child can keep on in their room and the other when they are out of the house. I would definitely not let me little girl sleep with the full size Protector Pattie at night because she is so big, but I do keep her on the bookshelf across from the bed so that she is in plain site. I think the reason she loves Patty is because she adores the movie Monsters Inc, and Patty looks like something that walked off the set of this fun film.
I think the concept of Scare Me Not dolls are great! Children are usually intrigued by things that are out of the ordinary, but they can also be afraid of them. Scare Me Not dolls look like the scary things children might be fearful of, but once the see how soft and cuddly they are, the fear is gone!
Alicia from Scare me Nots is offering up a Scare me Not for one lucky reader! Just fill out the easy entry form below!
Belle Windham says
I like fearless fred. Super cute!
Jennifer Cavallaro says
I’d love to win Deep Breath Dudley! He’s adorable 🙂
Danielle Vincent says
My little girl is scared to death of the dark so this might help! i love the Courageous Carrie! very cute!
kelley says
I like corageous carri.
Tara West says
Deep Breathe Dudley
Gosfam says
I would love Courageous Carrie
Mickey Coutts says
I love them all, but Deep Breath Dudley is my favorite. 🙂
deep breath
jenn says
love knockout ned
sarah says
I like Watchdog Wally
Amanda Hoffman says
these are so cute :D.
Rachel J says
Watchdog wally is the cutest! I would love to win him!
Charity L. says
I like Courageous Carrie.
Robin Blankenship says
Fearless fred
Rebecca Brown says
I want Fearless Fred!
Heather Coleman says
We would love to have a Watchdog Wally!
Heather C.
Allison says
I would get the Courageous Carrie.
Connie G says
Fearless Fred is my favorite!
CGruning at aol.com
Taylor marves says
i want protector patty
taylorcmarves at aol dot com
Carrie Martinet says
Valiant Valerie.
Kristi C says
I like Fearless Fred.
Jordyn Lessenberry says
I am liking Fearless Fred! Mahalo!
Kathy says
Kathy says
I would like Watchdog Wally if I win
Linda says
I like Guardian Gus
Kim C says
I like corageous carri.
Danielle Meek says
I like Defender Dave.
Cody says
I would love to win Guardian Gus.
Angella says
I love Fearless Fred! Cute!!
Corinne Soto says
i like fearless fred, and knockout net
Randy Bailey says
I love these!
Randy Bailey says
I like Knock-Out-Ned
Lara J says
Would pick Guardian Gus
larajarrette at gmail dot com
sara haaf says
defender dave is too cute!
Sabrina Radke says
I really like valiant valerie and protector patty
Karen Gonyea says
LOVE Defender Dave 🙂
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Daily Woman says
Fearless Fred
Debbie Kennedy says
I’d like to win Deep Breath Dudley
Amanda Alvarado says
I love Courageous Carrie!
Maureen Lin says
I love Watchdog Willie and Fearless Fred! Perfect for my son!!
Tiffany U says
I love Protector Patty but my girls are on a doggie kick so they would probably want Watchdog Wally.
Pauline M says
The Guardian Gus is adorable!
Tevya H says
I like Courageous Carrie best
Elizabeth P. says
Courageous Carrie
brittney says
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
Louis says
I like Fearless Fred
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
Kate says
I like Watchdog Wally.
Thanks for hosting this fun giveaway
Stacy says
Julia P says
I like Defender Dave!
Linda Meyers-Gabbard says
I love fearless fred
Hoa Le says
I would pick Courageous Carrie.
julia says
these are great!
polly says
i like the red fearless fred
Allie Sansing says
i too like Fearless Fred!
Sherry Conrad says
I like Courageous Carrie.
Sherry Conrad says
Ack sorry I forgot to put my twitter name – dddiva
Brooke R. says
I would love to win Courageous Carrie!
monte says
fearless fred rocks
debbie says
Fearless fred is my favorite.
Kimberly Terrell says
I like Fearless Fred 🙂
walter smith says
my doughter would love one of these
Paula Hafner says
I would pick Guardian Gus
Pauline M says
I’m a big fan of Guardian Gus!
Alicia says
Protector Patty
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Jodi Kershuk says
I would chose watchdog wally
Bonnie says
fearless fred
Cindy Ray says
I love Watchdog wally
green_eyed_princesss at msn dot com
Diana Russell says
Watchdog Wally! 🙂
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com
Alison T. says
I would like to win Guardian Gus.
Candi Atkinson says
I love Knock Out Ned!
rachel harper says
i like Deep Breath Dudley
Shari Klyn says
I like Courageous Carrie.
kathy pease says
i like defender dave
christal C says
watchdog wally
Amber says
I would love to win Valiant Valerie!
Sarah Mudge says
I’d like to win Deep Breath Dudley.
Kylie C says
I like fearless fred the best, that bright red it great.
barbara hunt says
Thanks for the great contest!
Tanya says
I like courageous carrie
Kay Yauney says
Watchdog Wally
Jennifer J says
I like Fearless Fred!
Melanie says
I love Courageous Carrie!
Nikki M says
They are all great and would be a lot of help with my daughter at night. I really do like Courageous Carrie!
marybeth i says
dd loves courageous carrie – I loved protector patty